
I am a doomer who specializes in green prepping.  Green prepping is prepping for what I hope is only accelerated decline but unfortunately in this unsustainable overextended world there could be at any time a cascading collapse.  The green part is a combination of physical and metaphysical permaculture.  Physical permaculture in this age of carbon traps is for me a middle-class westerner the attempt at more sustainable agriculture with less energy input and corresponding waste streams.  A more circular system and one with reverence for the wild is the goal not more production.  This is very hard to do and remain middle class.  This is why REAL Green is realistic towards people and place and relative in degree of what can be done.

Metaphysical permaculture is less understood.  Metaphysical permaculture is the spiritual side of green.  It is direct connection to the land and life.  This requires rural living.  This is cannot be understood in an urban setting.  It may be partly understood through the manual of words but not complete unless embraced.  This is the walking of the talk.   A minority of people are rural and even fewer are engaged in agriculture.  Fewer yet are concerned with prepping.  This leaves a few percentages of the population as candidates.  The world has turned upside-down and this is why it is so at risk to cascading collapse.  Those who can do physical and spiritual permaculture should and they will be the seeds of the future.   When urbanism breaks down as it will.  The old ways of life that have been bred out of society must be returned to.

This discussion will step on the toes of religion.  My approach is as a mystic and an enjoyer of comparative religions east and west but also the deep nature culture of the Native American.  I am a Christian because my family, tribe and community are.  It is my spiritual upbringing.  I have not rejected this.  I am a mystic and a shaman so to treat my religion differently.  I am not going to embrace the belief system in the same way as the faithful.  I do this without judgement.  I am simply living my revelation.  I see the body of Christ as the community of family and tribe.  The kingdom of Heaven is the salvation that comes through love and humility to a higher power within the body of Christ.  Yet, I take this further by incorporating green spirituality.  If you can’t embrace nature also then in my opinion your spirituality will lack authenticity because you will be distanced from the planet and living in the theory of being not in direct experience.

As a doomer I am on the edge of society as a shaman.  REAL Green shamanism is the expression of spiritual permaculture.  It is direct experience to the land and its life.  Doom is not mainstream and considered taboo so this is another aspect of REAL Green shamanism.   You live outside mainstream society on the fringes much as shamans of old.  If you are part of the establishment, doom becomes a tool of repression and ideology like what the climate movement has become.  I believe the climate has destabilized but I do not believe we can manage this with a fake green zero carbon programs.  Affluent living means carbon and most fake greens are affluent.  Climate doom is a propaganda tool of the globalist.  It is dishonest and manipulative. 

I speak to you not as an authority because shamanism is not about authority.  Shamanism is about allowing life and the land to live through you.  I am just repeating what has been revealed to me through direct connection.  I have no special powers because of this.  I am part of a special power instead.  I am not always in this direct connection state and I am often in a surreal state of seeing the absurdity of man’s creations in relation to life’s creations.  Somehow this is life’s plan because I see no evidence man is exceptional or separate from life either physically or spiritually.  So somehow, we are doing the bidding of the universe.  This is somehow the way or the Tao.  This sacred can’t be understood only accepted.

Part of REAL Green is also honest science.  REAL Green transmutation is the proper scale and balance of science and spirituality.  Once found there is an awakening and transformation.  Today science is dishonest and hijacked by evil forces.  Scientism is the result.  Real Green science is the embrace of our natural inclinations to do reductivism to increase our ability to survive but also to enjoy comfort.  A proper science is general and combined with a specialization.  This is similar to a prepper homesteader who is a jack of all trades and specialized in one activity.  A proper science is guided by wisdom and most importantly a wisdom that is humble and accepting of a higher power.  Today science is seeking godhead status which is blasphemous to the sacred.  In a sense science and its priests are evil.  This evil I speak of is in a REAL Green sense of being anti-life and anti-human.

I am speaking to you around the fire in enjoyment.  This is your life, your local of people and place.  If I am able to speak to you and you understand then this is my gift of wisdom.  This is your journey so make of it what you wish.  I am not a writer so if you pass judgment on my discussions in regards to prose and grammar you are missing the point.  I am just speaking freely as shamans do.  Nature asks me to do this so I complying with respect.  The sacred will call and if awakened you follow.

What I am going to discuss with you today is abstract.  It concerns spiritual permaculture which I have been speaking about so much lately.  I am sorry that most of my latest posts have been dark and foreboding.  This is an honest take on the times.  We are in truly dangerous times on all levels but at the same time we are in times of renewed meaning.  Meaning and loss of meaning go together and when one gets extreme the result is an extreme reaction.  Decades of history are being manifested in months.  This is because the forces of evil as in anti-life, have made their move.  This is the globalist transhumanism of technocratic scientism combining with global governance of stakeholder elites.  They are leading us into a new epoch.  This is the final age of the machine.  This is the age of death.

The anti-life forces of scientism and transhumanism are taking life in the wrong direction.  Techno-green is not green it is anti-life but it is being marketed as good, clean, and altruistic.  This lie is important to understand because you are having your rights conned away by deception.  The recognition of these fake green lies is also important to green prepping efforts of permaculture.  These forces are evil in the sense of being anti-life but also predators seeking to enslave you in their two-tier society of elites and serfs.  Your efforts at building a homestead and spiritual monastery are at risk.  The elites will impoverish you under the guise it is what is best for you.  My doomerism says decline and collapse is coming anyway but this anti-life ideology means it will come much quicker and be much more devastating.

The Anti-Christ is among us and it is part of us.  Let me explain because really Anti-Christ in REAL Green mysticism is simply anti-life.  Our system of governance and economy is now becoming anti-life.  In the direct spiritual experience of mysticism, one must let go of religious concepts which is confined to the limits of linear and dualistic ability of language.  In the non-linear of direct experience this anti-life in the cyclic is the extreme embrace of self-consciousness.   Collectively it is now an isolated ego lost in dysfunction with all the neurosis of a mentally illness.  The end game of this is self-destruction because it is only through scale and balance of the spiritual and the physical that there is transmutation.  Transmutation is the embrace of the pulse of life.   Life is constant change without it the universe is paralyzed.  In a metaphysical sense then self-consciousness leads to eventual paralysis only to be awakened in the grace of naturalness.  Put simply the hubris of self-consciousness is forced back to the humility of acceptance in the grand process of the cyclic.

The following discussion highlights the people you should consider your adversaries not your benefactors.  This discussion is supported by notes from three posts you should read.  I took the notes at the end of the discussion and formed them into my view of the current evil taking hold of civilization.  I am not a writer so I crudely wove them together to express my revelation of this evil.  This is meant for enjoyment not fear.  We are all going to die.  Civilization will turn to dust.  In fact, life is so short we are already dead.  This realization is the renewal in life thus the cyclic.

The reason abstraction is needed here is the subject is as old as civilized man.  It has appeared before and it is always among us.  It gains strength as the cyclic shifts though its phases.  It is now at an extreme level mainly because of the incredible powers of energy and technology to usurp and destroy life.  It will destroy itself but you will be collateral damage and this is why you should be green prepping.  You can find a relative shelter from the coming storm but you must know what and where these nefarious forces are.  This is more than just human it is the system itself that is now transhuman and nihilist.  Yet this is a human system within a greater system that is in charge.  This is why those who seek godhead power will be consumed by their own desires for the immortality that power falsely gives.

Our technological creation connecting the earth in a morphic field of the machine is now advanced to the internet of things.  This is the terminator and we are helpless without it.  We cannot live without technology anymore so this is why this force is so deadly.  This Anti-life force is a spiritual predator in the systematic form too.  It is the mechanization of forces that kill life through consumption and waste streams.   This is now ubiquitous in our lives and we can no longer survive without it.  It is advancing into scientism of the reductive materialism of transhumanism (1).  This quad of techno-utopianism today has morphed into AI, technocracy and fully automated luxury communism (2).  Here communism is the two tier system of elites and serfs.

Techno-utopianism is a Luciferian construct. Not necessarily literally Lucifer, but the aspiration to “usurp God” with Luciferian characteristics (3).  This theorized class of spiritual predators called Luciferians consume power for their sustenance.  Satanists are lower order predators consumed by their unrestrained ego and impulse gratification.  Luciferians play the longest game of them all, and seek to attain Godhood itself. Pure power (4).

The transhuman declaration is a self-organizing force both predatory and the continuously adaptive nature of technology.  Man seeks to control and technology seeks constant innovation with more efficiency and more performance.  Combine these two and you have the deadliest power man has ever created.  This declaration envisions the broadening human potential of overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings, involuntary suffering from our confinement to a planet (5).  Yet, this is just a ruse.  This is actually a predatory pathway to power.  The tone is one of a serious bid for immortality.  There is no spiritual in this pathway it’s all about solving technical problems.  Glitches kill so death can be engineered out of the equation (6).  The singularity of a personalized universe with our consciousness uploaded to a cloud of pure intelligence is their kingdom (7).

Scientism has ushered in a final era of material reductionism that transcends religion and spirituality.  Any non-material aspect of reality that can’t be quantified will be made irrelevant in their technocratic manual (8).  Techno-utopianian systems and expert technocratic management believe they can engineer solutions for all undesirable outcomes (9).  Scientism considers the conscious phenomena as nothing over and above the neural level, thus it can be reduced to that level (1).  This means morality and ethics are subjective and relative.  This is a black hole that once entered can’t be returned from without destruction.

As we move into a more algorithmically controlled society, technocratic social credit systems will supplant conventional moral structures, and the prospect of having your mind uploaded into an everlasting paradise will be the quasi-religious payoff for conforming to the rules (10).  When we seek to shape the world through technocracy – not to mention reality itself through transhumanism and AI – we are pursuing a uniquely eschatological event known as “The Singularity”: a point in time when our technology becomes the base layer of reality (11).

Who and what is part of this luciferin field?   They are among us and we are within their system.  We are workers in this system whether we like it or not.  We helped in its construction.  We purchased its products.  We did not realize what we were doing until it was too late.  Now the fruits of our labor are being employed to destroy and enslave us deceptively.  These networks and systems once connected make your internet devices and automobiles capillaries of a great machine.  Its priests are the worlds elites but more precisely the .01% of the 1%.  It is this group who are seeking the pure power this vast machine field offers.  These groups are the globalist both east and west.  I will discuss the Davos crowed but the Chinese CCP is even more evil and the blueprint for the current Davos efforts.  The Davos man envy’s the tyranny of the CCP.  That should be a warning to you if you are freedom loving.

The Davos Club are at their core, Malthusians, Marxists and technocratic globalist.  The Malthusian element sees the masses taking up space and resources. The masses must instead be hived as workers and methodically reduced by the attrition of automation that is a stealth disenfranchisement.  The Marxist element is the outcome of the dominance of the elites in a two-tier society.  Marxism is about class struggle and equality for all in theory but never in practice.  In this new algorithm, the reality is about eliminating the middle class and the reduction of the class structure to only two (12).  This is the technocratic lords and the serfs controlled by the machine.  Technocratic globalism is required for the necessary economies of scale and control apparatuses.

Every technological quantum leap also bifurcates society into a breakaway civilization (16).  Systematically, a bifurcation can be described as the change in the number of equilibrium points or periodic orbits.  The stability of a dynamical system if a parameter is varied have the potential to bifurcate if pushed beyond thresholds.  This is what technology does as it revolutionizes life.  In the real world of a person what we have is the stability of a life system of energy, food, shelter, and travel being constantly adapted to more efficiency and performance in a technological society.   This leads to new technologies being embraced that are eventually unsupportable individually and societally.  Bifurcation results and it is the collective sum of bifurcations that lead to collapse.  We collapse one family at a time until a cascade of failure ripples through society from communities to nations and then finally one day the global system.

The Davos club has many noble sounding initiatives.  Words like clean, sustainable, and altruistic are the catch words.  This result is the economically revolutionary aspects of ESG in business which combined with governance is statism.  Technocratic statism is an advanced form of the public private cooperation in a command control system that is now enhanced and includes autonomous technology as a pillar.  The Woke of social justice and inclusion is transforming social norms.  This is a veneer to reduce the bedrock of society that is the family and small community to serfs in a technocratic system.   This is being done through the destructive confrontational politics of identity politics.  It is advertised to be for their own good (13).  These internal inconsistencies, when taken hold at a societal level lead to a type of hyper-normalization or what spiritual philosopher Ken Wilbur calls “aperspectival madness”.  Aperspectival – lacking perspective – madness(15).

This is the modus of technocratic consolidation of economic, social, and political power under the roof of the administrative state.  Urbanization will be maximized and the exterior starved.  The rural areas will be impoverished into drive through places.   Shiny autonomous EVs will whisk through these vast open areas into the urban areas of support.  This lebensraum for urbanism will be inhabited by vast fake-green energy farms.  Wind and solar are not green and never will be but the technocrats will embrace this techno-green as their sacrament.  Agriculture will be transformed away from the traditional agriculture of our ancestors already unrecognizable even further unsustainable with a micro managed nutrition business of mechanical and chemical processes.  Food will become a reward for proper behavior.  Those that disobey will be starved like Stalin’s USSR.

Central planning is futile once systematic limits are breached.  The three Body Problem suggests that there are simply too many moving parts in the world to be able to plan and control macro-outcomes.  What can happen though, and frequently does, is you can cause a lot of damage via central planning (20).  We are at that point where the non-linear of diminishing returns breaks over into problem creations not problem solving.  Global central planning is now embracing transhumanism in such a way that this process will do orders of magnitude damage to an already damaged system.

The ideological framework of “Davos Man” is intellectual.  This replaces spiritualism.   This elite ontology rests upon radical material reductionism.  Materialism, at its core, is pure nihilism.  There is no spirit. We have no souls. There is only matter, and lower humans are merely hackable animals (14).  Animals and plants are feedstock ingredients.  Green and clean is a mirage for further technological development.  Carbon free and climate neutral are labels for the latest lies.  Covid failed to force their desired change so now it is climate.  Habitability of a transhuman civilization is their only concern not nature.  It is not the original Gaian way of earlier true greens.  A new techno green of an ordered civilization where eventually even planetary systems can be properly geoengineered is the goal (14).

Luciferian metaphysics is predation.  Their reality is layered from the physical to the spiritual. Pure power thrums only in the higher reaches of the spiritual domains. The higher dominates the lower. Spirit determines matter, not the reverse.  Elitism is of the essence here; only powerful spiritual adepts and Luciferian masters deserve to occupy the higher realms and to enjoy the benefits found only there (17).  Matter and spirit are not in balance in this regime so there is no stability.  This regime eventually consumes itself as planetary systems and life systems seek stasis sweeping away their unnatural constructions.

We can liken these forces to a pendulum that is self-perpetuating with a single imperative: to draw as much energy into itself as possible. More importantly, it is agnostic about the energy charge – it doesn’t matter if people are in harmony with the pendulum or opposed to it. Both poles create the energy that the pendulum craves (18).  This is why Marxism is so effective for Luciferians.  The destructive nature of technological development combines with the social destruction from color revolution tools of identity politics and economic disruption are so effective.  A small number of people can control large populations when they are in a state of disunity.  The elites exploit the social and economic vacuum to be able to administer.  Chaos serves their political objectives. 

These predators have no morality only what perpetuates their increase in power.  Technology has now allowed a kind of Luciferian perdition never seen before in human history.  It is likely an expression of the end of the process of human history because in the cyclic centralization gives way to decentralization.  Bifurcations caused by unsupportive technology will end the energy this Luciferian perdition requires.  Net energy decline will starve the Luciferian of their transhuman power.  Physics limits technology.  Economies depend on both and economies are needed for surplus energy and technological innovation.

The machine requires prodigious amounts of energy increasingly in net energy decline.  The physical limits of technology will exhaust this systems ability to substitute for depletion   These limiting forces will break down this final human system.  Revolutionary technological advancements eventually feed upon themselves as the body does in starvation.  Death, is the result physically and metaphysically.  The danger of this force is the breaching of sustainability and resilience for a global civilization already beyond stability.  This is setting modern man up for a global Armageddon.

Pure materialism. Pure reductionism. Pure Harari.  Steiner warns that: “The consciousness of those human beings whom I have called devourers of soul and spirit is in a condition of dimness…; for by not accepting the spiritual into their human nature, they drive straight into the Luciferic stream everything they introduce … What men eat and drink without spirituality goes straight to Lucifer!” Here Steiner is talking about spiritual predation and warning those who think they’re the predators, are actually the prey for the egregores they serve (19).

The Party at Davos is under the impression that they are the vanguard of neo-Darwinist evolution – when it’s looking instead like they are functionaries of a larger morphic field that is distinctly Luciferian or Ahrimanic in character. This field encapsulates transhumanism, techno-Marxism, technocracy and social credit (20).  When you consider the positioning and branding of the WEF, with their certitude and paternalism, it all makes a lot more sense when viewed as a cult instead of a cabal (22).  Participants in a cabal will abandon it the moment it ceases to serve their interests but cultists will double-down. They will burn themselves alive and eat their children. They are ideological berserkers (23).

In order to be able to live your life irrespective of how Davos Man thinks you should, you have to be independently wealthy. That may not be ideal or fair, but that’s how it is. If you aren’t independently wealthy as we go through this Fourth Turning of history, then there’s high likelihood you’ll be a neo-Feudal serf, trapped within a social credit system, living on stimmies (CDBCs), and doing what you’re told.  By independently wealthy, I mean not reliant on single external entities, and especially not on government entitlements. If you live in a trailer on a plot of land that you own free and clear and have a viable niche in your community, you’re independent. You’re in better shape than the mid-level investment banker whose bonus is $750K but he’s several million in debt over and above his assets (21).


(5)Transhumanist Declaration “We envision the possibility of broadening human potential by overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings, involuntary suffering and our confinement to planet Earth.”

(6)Noah Harari, in his Homo Deus sets the tone early on by declaring: In the twenty-first century, humans are likely to make a serious bid for immortality….Humans always die due to some technical glitch….Nothing metaphysical about it. It is all technical problems.

(7)Ray Kurzweil, who posits a “technological singularity” which would provide for a personalized and totally controlled universe for every human, one where they would be in complete control to experience whatever they desired, for all eternity, once we all upload our consciousnesses into the cloud.

(8)Scientism (as distinct from exploration and discovery using the scientfic method) has ushered in a new era of material reductionism so that religion, spirituality, or any other non-material aspect of reality that cannot be readily quantified have been stripped of relevance and meaning in our Brave New World.

(9)techno-utopian thinking, the idea that systems and expert management can control for all undesirable outcomes

(15)there are fundamental internal contradictions in techno-utopian thinking. The logical extension of the intellectual framework is that consciousness is an illusion, albeit, one we we’ll be able to perpetuate ever after by uploading it into the cloud.  These internal inconsistencies, when taken hold at a societal level lead to a type of hypernormalization or what spiritual philosopher Ken Wilbur calls “aperspectival madness”.

aperspectival – lacking perspective – madness

(16)every technological quantum leap also bifurcates society into a breakaway civilization

(10)As we move into a more algorithmically controlled society, I would expect that technocratic social credit systems will supplant conventional moral structures, and the prospect of having your mind uploaded into an everlasting paradise will be the religious payoff for conforming to the rules.”

(12) The Davos Club are at their core, Malthusians and Marxists. By Malthusian I mean that they think there are too many useless eaters in the world taking up space and resources. You’re one of them. They’re not.  By Marxist I mean the true outcome of socialism: a two tier society. Ostensibly, Marxism is about class struggle and equality for all, but in reality it’s about about eliminating the middle class and the reduction of the class structure to only two

(13) Anything that comes out of Davos, no matter how noble it sounds is really just veneer to get enough useful idiots to convince enough useless eaters to accept the narrative that what is being done to them is for their own good. This year took aim at individual carbon footprints.”

(21)central planning is futile…Three Body Problem suggests that there are simply too many moving parts in the world to be able to plan and control macro outcomes…What can happen though, and frequently does, is you can cause a lot of damage via central planning

(22)In order to be able to live your life irrespective of how Davos Man thinks you should, you have to be independently wealthy. That may not be ideal or fair, but that’s how it is. If you aren’t independently wealthy as we go through this Fourth Turning of history, then there’s high likelihood you’ll be a neo-Feudal serf, trapped within a social credit system, living on stimmies (CDBCs), and doing what you’re told.  By independently wealthy, I mean not reliant on single external entities, and especially not on government entitlements. If you live in a trailer on a plot of land that you own free and clear and have a viable niche in your community, you’re independent. You’re in better shape than the mid-level investment banker whose bonus is $750K but he’s several million in debt over and above his assets.”

(4) “Satanism: it’s about a theorized class of spiritual predators he called Luciferians. In later chapters, Satanists are almost dismissed as cartoonish, lower order predators. They would be shunned by truly elite Luciferians. “Distant cousins”, at best.  Where Satanists pursue unrestrained ego and impulse gratification, Luciferians play the longest game of them all, and seek to attain Godhood itself. Pure power.”

“John Maynard Keynes, from whose work the modern economic system is derived, was a Marxist. 

The super-wealthy 0.1% of the 1% who coagulate into supra-national policy organizations are Malthusians.  The core premise driving their ideology is a radical reductionist materialism.”

(1)“Reductive materialism (Identity theory) claims that there is no independent, autonomous level of phenomena in the world that would correspond to the level of conscious mental states. It also states that the level of conscious phenomena is identical with some level of purely neurological description. Conscious phenomena are nothing over and above the neural level, thus it can be reduced to that level.”

(2)“transhumanism as a kind of religion, and deemed it one of the four ideological pillars of techno-utopianism (the other three being: AI, technocracy and fully automated luxury communism)

(3)I concluded that techno-utopianism was ultimately a Luciferian construct. Not necessarily literally Lucifer, but that the aspiration to “usurp God” was Luciferian in character

(11)When we seek to shape the world through technocracy – not to mention reality itself through transhumanism and AI – we are pursuing a uniquely eschatological event known as “The Singularity”: a point in time when our technology becomes the base layer of reality.”

(22)When you consider the positioning and branding of the WEF, with their certitude and paternalism, it all makes a lot more sense when viewed  as a cult instead of a cabal.”

(17)Luciferian metaphysics is predation.  “reality is layered from the physical to the spiritual. Pure power thrums only in the higher reaches of the spiritual domains. The higher dominates the lower. Spirit determines matter, not the reverse… Elitism is of the essence here; only powerful spiritual adepts and Luciferian masters deserve to occupy the higher realms and to enjoy the the benefits found only there.”

(14) If we replace all instances of “spiritual” in the above passage with “intellectual”, then we have an accurate model for the ideological framework of “Davos Man”, because the entire elite ontology (or what passes for it) rests upon radical material reductionism.  And materialism, at its core, is pure nihilism.  There is no spirit. We have no souls. There is only matter, and lower humans are merely “hackable animals”.”

(23)Participants in a cabal will abandon it the moment it ceases to serve their interests… but cultists will double-down. They will burn themselves alive and eat their children. They are ideological berserkers.”

(18)A pendulum is self-perpetuating with a single imperative: to draw as much energy into itself as possible. More importantly, it is agnostic about the energy charge – it doesn’t matter if people are in harmony with the pendulum or opposed to it. Both poles create the energy that the pendulum craves.”

(19)Pure materialism. Pure reductionism. Pure Harari.  Steiner warns that: “The consciousness of those human beings whom I have called devourers of soul and spirit is in a condition of dimness…; for by not accepting the spiritual into their human nature, they drive straight into the Luciferic stream everything they introduce … What men eat and drink without spirituality goes straight to Lucifer!” Here Steiner is talking about spiritual predation and warning those who think they’re the predators, are actually the prey for the egregores they serve.

(20)The Party at Davos is under the impression that they are the vanguard of neo-Darwinist evolution – when it’s looking instead like they are functionaries of a larger morphic field that is distinctly Luciferian or Ahrimanic in character. This field encapsulates transhumanism, techno-Marxism, technocracy and social credit.”

10 thoughts on “Perdition”

  1. “Metaphysical permaculture is the spiritual side of green. It is direct connection to the land and life. This requires rural living. This is cannot be understood in an urban setting. It may be partly understood through the manual of words but not complete unless embraced. This is the walking of the talk. A minority of people are rural and even fewer are engaged in agriculture. Fewer yet are concerned with prepping. This leaves a few percentages of the population as candidates.”

    Excellent point Shoal – even I fall into the category of the urban-based nomad who does not fully live in or from the land directly. Even though I understand that your way of life is the way to go, I would probably onbly fully revert to it fully under duress (ultimately). It would be more likely for me personally to deepenn my nomad path and use nomadism as a strategy for survival rather than settling into rural living – we all revert to what we do best under challenging circumstances. Most people would try to maintain urban living at all costs though because that’s all they know.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am speaking in a macro sense and defined by time. In the macro sense or generally even those like me who are position properly only have good survivability based upon local community. My local community is not optimal. This rural area is sill part of a car culture.
      My age is a factor too. If you have family this age can be leveraged. My two 15-year-olds can become my heavy lifters. I can become their guide. This means family and tribe will be essential in the end of prosperity and stability.
      Luck plays a role too. The wrath of God could rain down around my local for a variety of reasons or lady luck could shine. One thing that is important is to have some ingredients of resilience and sustainability. These arrows in your quiver are needed. Permaculture is a requirement because of food, water, heat. This are keystone requirements. Urban settings are extractive and at risk because of populations so without permaculture they will be like petri dishes.
      Since we are just now entering the gauntlet timing is of great importance. Initially some urban areas because of the tremendous power of people, machines, and accessible resources will be in a commanding position. They will be able to reach out and take what they desire and need. This reach will decline over time as everything human and machine is downsized by net energy decline and decaying economic leverage. Urban areas will be prone to implosion once support wanes. Implosions are unpredictable and messy.
      Nomadism is a great strategy for those young and fit. It is likely eventually given enough time nomads will settle too in a rural setting or one of many urban settings that will retain significance and stability at a time of eventual stasis. Those urban areas on rivers or places of topographical significance will retain vitality once properly downsized. Nomadism will likely be a good strategy to pick and choose places to become part of.
      I think the most important journey is within. Spiritually in regards to courage one will do better or worse in any setting. It is likely this is more important than being urban, rural, or nomadic. If you are connected to the power that underlies all then it will support you. You will be guided by its wisdom. You will be ready to face a good death because that is our last journey.
      Looking forward to your next posting.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks JJ, as a matter of fact I am writing right now about a similar thought. It is strange how the spirt connects to other spirts over space time in a kind of clairvoyance and telepathy. This worm hole may point to how the sacred reflects.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You have an interesting view point, Shoal. I hadn’t thought of categorizing permaculture as physical and metaphysical, like two sides of a coin. My sense of the physical and metaphysical fits more into a light spectrum where physics and metaphysics falls at opposite ends of the spectrum. Or another analogy might be that our view of reality can be like using a microscope/telescope. We turn the knob of our attention to ‘dial’ in on different vibrations in the universe.
    I’m not sure what to think about the “evil forces” you describe. To be honest, some of your descriptions remind me of conspiracy theories. It’s not that I don’t agree with you about technology, technocrats, and the super wealthy. I think many such people are lost in the delusion of grandeur that infects the mind when power and money become our God. Sometimes our mystical experiences are difficult to put into words.
    The Taoist reflections I definitely understand. Taoism really is a poetic/mystical connection with the natural world. I thought I would share with you my own views on life and spirituality. I see you read so you may be familiar with the piece.


    1. Yes, you have a good sense of the interaction of the physical and metaphysical. The key point here is opposites in one. One has the other as its partner. This is part of the eastern spiritual traditions so a common theme. I just adapted it to farming and permaculture. The physical is the science of what I do. It is the human manual on survival of a complex organism that is technical. The science of what we do is the procedures that represent the knowledge and experience that put food on the table and keep us warm.

      The metaphysical of farming and homesteading in permaculture is the connection to the whole. It is the holistic meaning that allows action in courage. Connecting to the soft life forces and the hard planetary world around us is the energy of the spirit. It is grace that allows the isolated ego that gets up everyday and makes breakfast to feel a purpose in the often case absurdity of things. This is a common theme of all religions but what I do is express how important it is in REAL Green to giving meaning and courage to choosing a harder road to survival but one with more spiritual support. This is the letting go of meaning into meaning.

      Our modern life today is in the extreme of science and the physical. Increasingly if it can’t be put to the test of reductionism it is considered irrelevant and superstitious. The funny thing about this extreme of science and spirit is science is becoming irrelevant and superstitious. When the balance of the two is skewed either direction it is not balanced. Today our scale that is delocalized and transhuman because of the machine is unbalanced. Without scale to balance a proper wisdom of what knowledge to keep and what to reject is not possible. This is playing out today with runaway technology and exploitation of energy.

      Another important piece of the puzzle of balance is your metaphysical senses. If you have not had a spiritual experience or several then it is difficult to relate to the importance of the metaphysical. The way to cultivate the metaphysical is deep research but in enjoyment and play. This of course is not the start of it. In the beginning this metaphysical search is deadly serious and involves much reading with science playing a part. The point where this switches from the deadly serious to enjoyment is the mystic. Once in the mystic then you are one with cyclic change. Meaning is lived not had.

      Of course, being one with cyclic change means you are never truly enlightened but instead in the process of change directly going in and out of enlightenment as the sacred requires. You hand your life over to the sacred and go its way. Often when I speak it like wow, where did that come from? I do not have authority but speak on the authority of the sacred. I am humble and accepting of who and what I am and what and how we humans do things. I am still human and subject to these requirements meaning the process of living which is messy.

      REAL Green is a way that is rural and embraces the old ways with modern times. It is relative and realistic. It seeks to combine the metaphysical and the physical properly in the wisdom of less science and more spirit. In a time of decline on all levels this is the proper way. The spirit is in shortage with science’s knowledge and performance in excess. This means embracing the land and its life forces in biomass, localism, and conservation. These are things that are less in our world of more.

      Yes, the evil forces I speak of are conspiracy theories at the level of conversation. This level is our daily experience of the ego who is I. Yet, digging deeper which is ascending levels of abstraction where we seek to get closer to the truth, it is here we see how good and evil interact and coexist. In this time and place centralization and the power of reductionism leveraged with built up knowledge and energy from a million years from fossil fuels has taken us to the extreme dislocation of the spirit. This means a rebound that will be initially extreme too. This means the forces of the spirit will break out like water. Water finds all openings. There is no stopping water once it finds an opening. The truth is breaking out and scientism will be overwhelmed by it.

      These forces are evil and embracing power. Power that is the force of separation. They are in an extreme warping of the spirit with science. This is where science takes on its nature as spirit thereby corrupting and becoming a destroyer of things. Wisdom is lost and science becomes blasphemous. Yet, at a level higher and unknown this is the way of the play of science and spirit. It is what animates. If the sacred knew everything then it would know its next move and there would be complete paralysis. Somehow entropy and negative entropy interact in this same meme. Life is a fractal of this and when it elevates from cooperative cells to multicell and finally the self-consciousness of humans then this is its expression too. It is crystalline and DNA.

      I am just speaking to you around the fire as a friend. I am a shaman. I live on the edge of civilization as a doomer and a prophet. However crazy and insignificant I am does not matter. Am speaking to you my friend and we are around the fire under the wonderful stary night with a warm fire between us. Go forth in the light and do good things. Enjoy the wonders of life. It will all be ok because this is the way of the sacred.

      Thank you for your Taoist material. I will read up on your view of things. Taoism is very important to my spirituality. Yet, I go deeper than Taoism before man had a need for it. There was a time when man lived with spirts and animate forces in primitive art and oral culture. This is when he scaled properly and had balance. This is the savage we modern savages like to look down upon. REAL Green seeks this original savage spirit and primitive science in a time of excess modernism. Thanks for your comment it was enjoyable to be with you.


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