
I am busy with the farm and family these days.  I have made a big investment in green prepping that I will post details of once I have it completed and understand it enough to put a description of it in a post.

I am thinking about you but do not have the inspiration to comment lately.  The unfolding of the end of life as we know it is gathering pace.  We can’t know the future as we would like but we can know the unfolding of the future if we see with honesty and humility.

REAL Green is a way for a few to find meaning in a world in decline and decay.  This way of life will not save the world but it can make your local of people and place better.  That is if you find a local with a future in a civilization without a future.  REAL Green is a rural way of life but orbiting the urban at a safe distance.  It is about homesteading with efforts at permaculture in a world that has left this behind. 

REAL Green is relative and realistic and realizes survival in a civilization of technology and systems requires living with them.  You live with them to leave them is the gist of it.  This is a paradox and surreal which makes the simple complicated.  This dualism is why spirituality is so important because you will constantly ask yourself why am I doing this.

In a way you will be the eddy in the current but the reality is you will be going with the current and civilization is the eddy.  The current of life and civilization are now departing in different directions.  You are trapped in this turbulence.

I have spoken about overlap with a sudden and gradual unfolding of a process.  This bifurcation of reality is a manifestation of the juxtaposition of life’s fractal expression against the arrogance of humanism.  This arrogance is the denial of a process that supersedes and it is for this reason you should turn inward to your local of people and place but remaining global to catch the winds of change.

Turning inward in the sense of what has worked during all of the previous human experience.  This is the local of people and place as the bulwark to catastrophic change.  Do this with a relative and realistic approach to appropriate technology on the one hand.  On the other hand, cultivate your spirituality.  It is this combination of science and spirt properly balanced that offers hope.

I am not preaching a refuge but instead a life boat.  This lifeboat requires a disposition of palliative care because suffering will be the result of the end of the age of affluence.  In this unfolding of a new age, it will be meaning found with that special balance of science and spirit that will take its rightful place above affluence as salvation.

I leave you with a profound article that catches the flavor of our collective decline.  I am including the conclusion in this post.  The reason being it reflects key aspects of a REAL Green life.    


Authored by James George Jatras

“My young friends, the impact any one of us can expect to have in the face of world-historic trends before which the fates of nations and empires fly like leaves in the autumn winds is vanishingly small.”  Already baked into the cake will be, I believe, hardships for you that we’ve become accustomed to think only happen to “other people” in “other countries” far away, not seen here since the Revolution and the Civil War, or maybe in isolated instances during the Great Depression: financial and economic disruption and, in some places, especially in urban areas, collapse; supply chains, utilities, and other aspects of basic infrastructure ceasing to function (what happens in major cities when food deliveries stop for a week?), even widespread hunger; rising levels of violence, both criminality and civil strife. These will be combined, paradoxically, with the remaining organs of authority, however discredited, desperately cracking down on the enemy within – no, not on murderers, robbers, and rapists, but on “science deniers,” “religious fanatics,” “haters,” “conspiracy theorists,” “insurrectionists,” “gun nuts,” “purveyors of “medical misinformation,” Russian or Chinese “stooges,” and, of course, “racists,” “sexists,” “homophobes,” and so forth. It’s the late Samuel Francis’ “anarcho-tyranny” nightmare come to life with a vengeance.

Nevertheless, for what it is worth, I put before you three practical tasks for your consideration.

Firstly, be vigilant against deception, in a day when assuredly evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. Admittedly, this is a tough one, given the ever-present lying that surrounds us and the suppression of dissent. Try to sift truth from falsehood but don’t become obsessed because, in many cases, you won’t be able to be sure anyway. Focus most on what’s proximate to you and on the people most important to you. … Be skeptical – about everyone. … There may be a cost. As Solzhenitsyn said, “He who chooses the lie as his principle inevitably chooses violence as his method.”

Secondly, as stewards of every worldly charge placed on us by God and by other people—as fathers and mothers, as husbands and wives, as sons and daughters, as neighbors, as students, as workers, as citizens, as patriots—we must prudently care for those to whom we have a duty within the limited power and wisdom allotted to us. Start with yourselves. Be as self-sufficient as possible. Get involved in your community; that leftist slogan is actually a good one: think globally, act locally. Befriend your neighbors. Learn a real skill – electricity, plumbing, carpentry. Farm! Don’t go to law school, for goodness’ sake. Get in shape. Eat and sleep right. Have plenty of the essentials: food, fuel, gold, ammunition. Learn to shoot. Limit computer and phone time. Experience nature. Cultivate healthy personal relationships – real ones, not virtual ones. Marry young, have kids, lots of them – especially women, don’t get seduced by all that “career” nonsense. Nobody on his or her deathbed ever said, “Gosh, I wish I’d spent more time at the office.” Read old books. Cultivate virtue. Go to church.

Simply being what used to be considered normal and leading a productive life is becoming the most revolutionary act one can perform. With that in mind, find the strength to be revolutionaries indeed! In the face of the culture of death and extinction, choose to affirm life.

You’ve seen the meme: Hard times create strong men; Strong men create good times; Good times create weak men; Weak men create hard times. Well, take it from the weakling Boomer generation that brought them to you: the hard times, they is a-coming. But they won’t last forever. If you live through them – and some of you will not – we’ll see what possibilities, as of now literally unimaginable, might then exist. But you will need to be personally fit to take advantage of them. You will also need to be part of some kind of sustainable community of likeminded people.

Thirdly, for those of you who are believers, particularly Christians, we must pray without ceasing, firm in faith that, through whatever hardships may lie ahead, even the very hairs of our head are all numbered, and the final triumph of Truth is never in doubt.

Thank you, and good luck. You’re going to need it.

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