
“REAL Green adaptation is the name of a blog that explores the concept of green prepping, which is a way of living that combines environmental awareness, self-reliance, and resilience in the face of a changing and uncertain world. The blog is written by an anonymous author who calls himself the REAL Green Master. He shares his experiences and insights on how he is adapting his homestead and permaculture farm to the challenges of climate change, peak oil, and social collapse. He also discusses various topics related to sustainability, spirituality, philosophy, and psychology. The blog’s motto is “adapt and mitigate the decline process with a hybrid of the old ways and the new ways”

The above is the result of me asking my browser A.I assistant what is REAL Green adaptation.

There is much talk of the good and bad of AI.  I personally don’t think AI has much of a lifespan ahead mainly because of the systematic decay of civilization currently in progress.  AI requires copious amounts of energy and water to produce results.  This will be on top of the already large energy usage of all the servers that support the internet. 

Net energy decline is something that is constant and accelerating.  Renewables will make this net decline worse in regards to ending fossil fuels.  I feel renewable tech is a vital addition to a lifeboat strategy everyone needs to embrace but it will not save us or AI.  What is needed is not large and centralized but dispersed, small scale, and simple.  AI is not needed in a lifeboat strategy its instead a hindrance.

AI is going to be bled to death as the internet deteriorates and the economy needed to support this complex and complicated segment of the globalized economy breaks down.  This view is fringe because few embrace the decline process but instead embrace a manifest destiny of a human future that AI is an example of.  Civilization can’t comprehend its end so AI is going to be embraced and result in more malinvestment civilization can’t afford.

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