age of chaos

I have been discussing many conditions that point to a peak and a tipping into an alternative regime of all aspects of life on this planet.  I am talking about a macro change from growth to decline and stability to instability.  This is happening within humanism too with the cult of progress driving humans into a mechanization that is anti-life.  Ultimately this is a problem with physical and metaphysical scale.  The planet is reacting with system transitions from a species disrupting a complex system.  In metaphysics humans are delocalized and increasingly transhuman.  This prevents the proper wisdom of restraint.  There is now nothing in the way of progressive self-destruction.

It is vital to understand the underlying force that is driving these conditions.  Exploring this abstractly with some nonscientific methods is useful because science is unable to.  Science is the problem so we can’t expect science to admit its failure.  These abstract notions need not be precise like a weather report but instead an overview of a climate of reality.  We are now entering an alternative climate so to speak.  In climate studies this is called an abrupt shift.   This requires us to think and react differently.  Many seemingly unrelated occurrences are instead related.   This condition of a systematic change is present everywhere and within systems.  This all points to chaos and its paradox of deterministic chaos.

This paradox is important to humans now because of our moral and ethical situation.  We have a modern secular scientific view that is firmly in charge of human progress.  This dominating view asserts that moral and scientific certainty are one.  Science was never meant to be moral.  This certainty is seen as the best way to further progress.  This progress is seen as a perpetually better world regardless of limits.  This is actually just a myth of a better world.  Science is now mythical.  It is a belief system governed by an ideology.  This is faith based and manifested politically with a state and corporate fusion.  The elite are now the priests and the technocrats the scribes.

Politically this is classic fascism but a fascism that is driven by the Marxist urge to power.  This power urge is ultimately luciferin.  In ascending levels of abstraction there is a class of spiritual predators called Luciferians who consume power for their sustenance.  They are seeking to engineer failure out of life’s equations in a quest for immortality.  The quest for the power of immortality is the ultimate blasphemy to the life force.  Lying, cheating, and stealing are condoned in the ends justify the means morality because a better world is not possible without total control.

This is deeper yet but in abstraction.  It is about the tensions of life itself where self-consciousness enters its final cycle of circular thinking that manifests systematic chaos.  This opening up of the forces of chaos is vicious and deadly when it assumes mythical proportions.  Current science-based reality is self-destructing because of this deceptive myth.  Knowledge and technology have taken on a life of their own driving relentless destructive change.  Systems are compressing in complexity.  Everyday life is more and more encumbered by complications making survival increasingly precarious.

This urge to power is now bifurcating through the myth of progress.  Technology is rapidly stripping away stability as the system approaches limits and tips over into diminishing returns where technology no longer is a force of good.  As breakdown occurs more technology is applied.  This destruction is planet wide in the sea, on the land, and in the air.   It is within life itself where DNA is now being manipulated.  We can personify the machine like it is life-like but this is actually within the soul of man and further yet, an impulse of life itself.

This abstraction can be seen physically once dots are connected.  Our human myth of progress has metastasized.  This is now a cancer to life.  It is a mechanization that is alien to life’s symbiosis.  Further, it will run its course.   Human intervention is no longer possible because scale and balance were lost long ago.  Somehow this process represents life’s deeper nature so passing judgment on this as evil is self-deception.  Instead, it represents the ultimate paradox of consciousness with oneness and isolation.

Alan Watts describes this condition with a religious allegory.  Allegories are often the best educators to hidden meanings.  They are also the only way to understand the highest levels of abstraction where dualism merges into singularity:

“Someone or something beyond conscious control must overthrow the Devil at the right moment, for, being an archangel, he can read thoughts and is always aware of the intention that precedes the act. He can be defeated only by an act without prior intent. “let not your left hand know what your right hand doeth.” Now in Christian terminology this “someone or something beyond conscious control” is called the grace of God, and grace is held to be the only means of overcoming the machinations of the Devil, that is, of the vicious circle into which self-consciousness can lead us.”

The paradox of deterministic chaos is important to you the individual in this time of tipping into alternative regimes.  The heart of this paradox for you is determinism and free will.  It is about choice which involves moral responsibility.  We live with virtue and sin in our hearts.   Ultimately our dualistic condition of good and evil requires grace or naturalness to heal our rift from life that is a bi-product of the isolation the ego leads us into with self-conciouness. 

These seemingly unrelated conditions and circumstances are manifesting in randomness and disorder when the case is more a dynamical system becoming highly sensitive to conditions.  In an ecological view it is the breakdown of a complex system in succession.  In system thought it is the bifurcation of a complex system that has broken through thresholds to alternative states.

In the micro world of the individual, it is living in decline with the possible collapse of society.  Collapse is a taboo subject in the myth of progress so individuals who entertain the idea are rejected.  This process need not be disastrous to you the individual.  If approached properly it can be an opportunity for more meaning which is ultimately the greatest of attainments for the individual.  This will not be without pain and suffering but it does present the opportunity for the heroic where the human value of love and altruism trump death and destruction.  This is what is spoken about as the Kingdom of Heaven.

If you want to approach what is really happening intellectually you must make this approach in enjoyment and wonderment.  This means setting judgment aside.  It means laughing and crying because in the world of dualism these juxtapositions go hand in hand in the approach to the sacred.  Humans can approach the sacred but only in this condition can you avoid being overwhelmed in existential anxiety.  Any other approach is quickly absorbed back into the vicious circle of dualism.  The sacred has the appearance of a singularity composed of dualism.  It is determined free will.  It is above all unapproachable to those who seek to know.  The more we know the less we understand and we know quite a lot these days.

Wonderment and enjoyment that is the basis of life can delve into this drama in ascending levels of abstraction.  On the level of everyday living this observation will appear like conspiracies, quackery, and pseudoscience.  This is to be understood and enjoyed but by no means diminishes the wisdom.  When I say wisdom what I mean is judgement of what should be retained and what should be discarded.  I just told you judgment must be put aside on this mental journey and this is true when gazing into the sacred.  Where wisdom must apply judgment is when we return to our everyday world of making a living.

In this everyday world a vital requirement is scale and balance.  Scale requires you to live within your limitations both mentally and physically.  Balance requires a proper mix of science and spirituality.  This balance is the keystone of wisdom and the reason our human myth of progress is out of control without a transcendental wisdom that both connects and survives.  The secular has taken on spiritual roles and the result is corruption of the secular in science and humanism.  We are worshiping ourselves and the results are destructive.  This is species dysfunction.

These days scale is at its worst and balance is skewed towards the secular and science.  Even our religions have been corrupted by this.  It is called progress and modern life is infected with this condition at all levels.  This progress is unstoppable because it has mechanized.  The machine is taking over our lives.  Without the machine we are naked and alone.

At higher levels of abstraction the progress myth dominates the collective self-consciousness.  At higher levels yet, it is life itself reflecting on itself.  At this level then we are approaching the sacred and no more reduction can be achieved.  Somehow this is where determinism and free will combine.  It is where we must leave off in mysticism.  Aldous Huxley said “For the radical and permanent transformation of personality only one effective method has been discovered –that of the mystics.”

In a sense the collective must experience a mystical conversion.   This is the nature of self-destruction with death giving forth life.  Life is now barreling into the destructive phase of one species mechanizing the basis of life on a planet.  Science and technology will destroy itself along with the socio-political apparatus constructed around it.  Yet, the vital aspect of time value to mortal humans means this is more about a journey and less about the destination.  The destination is death regardless but rebirth is there too.  In between these two juxtapositions is life of the individual.

The three conditions of this new age most important for you the individual are abandonment, dysfunction, and the irrational.  These three conditions are markers for the breakdown of the ecosystem that your life is part of.  These are interrelated and self-adapting, meaning they cause a response from each other.

Abandonment leads to dysfunction and the irrational.  Dysfunction causes abandonment and irrationality.  Irrationality causes dysfunction and abandonment.  These conditions are in convergence now as a complex system breaks down.  These forces of chaos are combining in a negative reinforcing way.  This will likely involve symmetric results that can be expected but also asymmetric results that can’t be understood beforehand.  Keep in mind the world has never been here before to degree and extent.  The planet is occupied and transformed by human progress.  Feedbacks are now being felt after a system inertia finally releases into rapid physical change.

It is worth reviewing some defining aspects of chaos theory.   This period of peaking and tipping is described well by chaos theory.  In previous years since the start of the industrial revolution there was the buildup phase of relatively stable growth now the cusp of chaotic decline is before us.  The personality of these two historic regimes must be respected if adaptation and mitigation is desired.  What is more difficult is they are now in overlap in a way that your world will be surreal if you do attain an awakening.

Chaos theory:

“is an interdisciplinary area of scientific study and branch of mathematics focused on underlying patterns and deterministic laws of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, and were once thought to have completely random states of disorder and irregularities.”

“in mechanics and mathematics, the study of apparently random or unpredictable behavior in systems governed by deterministic laws. A more accurate term, deterministic chaos, suggests a paradox because it connects two notions that are familiar and commonly regarded as incompatible.”

“describes the qualities of the point at which stability moves to instability or order moves to disorder. For example, unlike the behavior of a pendulum, which adheres to a predictable pattern a chaotic system does not settle into a predictable pattern due to its nonlinear processes.”

There is so much happening so quickly.  These examples will seem unrelated and juxtaposed and often incongruous but that is the nature of the paradox of the times.  Simply put what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right.  This is not so much morally speaking but instead the difference between on and off.  In other words, binary expressions both true and wrong.

I speak to you the individual because ultimately REAL Green concerns localism.  It is grounded in the simplicity of people and place.  Scaling and balance is of the upmost importance at these levels.  Lower your delocalization and moderate the transhumanism of the machine that is corrupting your life.  Do this appropriately for the rapidly changing times.  Relatively and realistically change according to this shift.  Since it is a process, you will need to live in both worlds.

when not if

Pay attention to this graph from the included article.  The key feature to digest is decline is likely if you understand honest science and economics.  Graph A is very likely because globalism is ending.  The economy will not be able to ram up the huge investments needed in everything.  Graph B is possible but unlikely until it is too late if both fossil fuels and renewables have huge investments.  Graph C is the techno optimism the globalist technocrats are pushing with the ESG green agendas.  This scenario is a pie in the sky lie. Graph D is less likely than A but still possible.  This is a modest rise in renewables including nuclear and hydro which can happen if net zero is not embraced.

The issue is when not if.  Honest science makes clear what is ahead.  Honest economics is just as clear.  It is the governing narrative that will not ever admit we are in decline.  Problems are admitted to but there are always fixes to ease people’s fears.  This reassurance is both political and through business marketing.  The central message is solutions are possible.  Your choosing the correct narrative now will be the difference between accelerated decline for you or one with much more inertia to decline.  This message is about you the individual not our civilization.  Civilization is now a retirement party.

Decline that is embrace and adapted to allows a smoother mitigation.  Become viscous which is a combination of resilience and sustainability combined with courage.  The reason courage is needed is the tough decisions that are required.  This is proper wisdom and these days proper wisdom is “less is more”.  It is about simple and small combined with humility from acceptance. 

The reason this is so hard is the narrative runs opposite to this with “more is less”.   “More is less” is basically a techno efficiency driving ever greater delocalization and transhumanism of the machine.  Centralization is more efficient until it suffers diminishing returns.  Modern governance is increasingly centralized and technocratic.  The results is a bloated administrative state that is parasitic.  The specialization required for centralization is a two-edge sword.  It is great when growth is increasing but dangerous in decline.

Systems studies bring to the table a viewpoint that decline operates differently than growth.  This view point highlights the nature of systems that push their thresholds.  Degree and duration magnify when thresholds are breached. 

Systems studies involves the study of cyclic change.  Change oscillates within patterns.  When patterns are expressed, we need to take notice.  Instead, today, mankind is embracing exceptionalism as if we are different from any other species because of our high intelligence.  We think we can engineer our way out of problems but instead are digging the hole deeper.

These views of exceptionalism are important in the near term because currently we are in the neighborhood of a tipping over from peak growth into a decline phase.  What makes this even more dramatic is this is not only with the human ecosystem but also with the natural ecosystem.   Destabilizing planetary systems from this decline are affecting both in negative convergence.  Our exceptionalism is doubling down on science and tech to fix this threat to humanity when this fixing is furthering the problem.

This peaking of human influence has destabilized planetary systems that allowed human civilization.  It was the relatively stable Holocene with a robust natural ecosystem that allowed human growth in the first place otherwise we would still be seminomadic hunter gathers navigating narrow bands of habitability.  I would argue this is the optimum human condition in regards to scale and balance with life on our wonderful blue planet.  No human arrangement can match the complexity of nature.  What we are today is the furthest from harmony. 

It is important to understand the elites have doubled down on growth and centralization through technology and economics.  Technocratic globalism is being embraced.  This is further corrupted with stakeholder capitalism.  Stakeholder capitalism is fascism and fascism is elite domination.  It is elite corruption that brings down civilizations.  Currently we have an oligarchy of elites merging with government, industry, and security apparatuses.  This merger is increasingly authoritarian and transhuman. 

This merger of the political with the corporate is now a secular religion.  Science is now a religion.  This Scientism is the politicizing of science to fit narratives.  The reason this is so dangerous is it does not allow honest scientific discussions that go contrary to the accepted narrative.  Proper science is clear on the decline ahead.  Scientism talks about a manifest destiny of human and artificial intelligence growing abruptly in performance and affluence.

This elite merger in a technocratic centralization is juxtaposed to reality.  Reality is calling for decentralization, simpler, and smaller.  This is the nature of action in a decline phase.  Reality is now a reality of decline on all planes.  Every physical and metaphysical dimension shows a pattern of decline or approaching decline.  Diminishing returns and cumulative negative convergences of problems are becoming the new reality.  This is now a period of stalling and stagnation.

Science and technology have hit their physical limits although there will be modest gains on the margins until the global economy declines and can’t support the needs of technology.  Technology needs economies of scale and comparative advantage with global reach.  It above all needs high quality energy delivering surplus value.  All these vital ingredients are peaking or already in decline. 

Vital resources and high-quality energy are not only in decline they have huge waste streams driving decline elsewhere.  The disruptive results of gaining and applying these resources are not only creating unmanageable waste streams but also degenerative land use changes.  This is important because the combination is deadly.  More pollution of forever chemicals and untreatable waste streams combined with diversity loss of vital ecosystems.  Today we have localized ecosystem failures because of this human activity along with general ecosystem decline that is accelerating.

This has initiated the 6th great extinction which has resulted in the transition from the Holocene to the Anthropocene.  The stability from a planetary ecosystem that has allowed mass production of goods and monocultures of food has disrupted planet systems and most profoundly the fabric of life that is made rich with species diversity.

Digging deeper we need to look at human nature.  The elites are entertaining the so-called singularity which is the merging of man with his machines.  This seductive quest for machine assisted immortality is now anti-life.  It is anti-human by seeking to destroy culture that offers the meaning individuals need to survive.

It is the actually tinkering with the language of life that is DNA.  It is metaphysical with the dehumanization of family and community by transhumanism and delocalization.  Culture is being destroyed by machine traits of efficiency and automation.  Culture that provides courage from meaning is being diminished by the reliance on machine algos combined with their automation.  Our culture has weakened to doing hard things at the same time hard things are increasing from the decline phase we are entering.

This singularity of a combined man and machine culture is pushing the envelope of our technology into a world of algorithms and control mechanisms which are making living structures cogs in a system that is completely unnatural.  It is unstable and unsustainable.  This powerful force is eliminating resilience both within life and the relationships life leverages complexity with.  Human culture and species diversity is now secondary to machine domination.

This peaking and tipping will create a surreal world of overlap with forces of both decline and growth.  If you are experiencing the surreal then you are not ill you are actually very healthy.  If you admit to “when” and reject the bargaining of “if” then you can get on with adapting and mitigating our human world that is not ready for total decline. 

The key point I am making is the individual through family and small community can change positively.  Civilization can’t change because it is hardwired in self-organized growth through science and technology growth.  Civilization can’t embrace decline without failing.  Failure or better cyclic decline is part of the fabric of life on this planet.  All ecosystems are subject to this but our human ecosystem rejects cyclic decline because of our exceptionalism now entrenched with scientism.  Scientism is a religion now.  It rejects honest science if it goes against the narrative of manifest destiny of intelligence both human and machine..

It is important to dig deeper into the “when” of this cyclic decline for two reasons.  The first reason is time value.  Time has a particularly important value to individuals because we are self-conscious of the future.  We know we have shelf lives and our activities need investments requiring time.  The other issue is delocalization.  Delocalization has allowed affluence but at the cost of resilience. 

This delocalization is more than space it is also metaphysical.  Here we have degraded human relationships too through digital devices similar to what the car culture has done physically.   Family and community are being distance from the individual with activities and lifestyles that lower connections.  This degradation of relationships combined with families being separated by great distances is not truly appreciated.  When decline gains momentum it will be localized community that makes the difference.  Now is the time to get closer together.

Human scale is now disproportionate.  The machine has taken the place of human relationships.  Distance has disrupted this further.  We depend on a web of things and this is global.  It is physical and with relationships.   This means without this complex machine spanning the globe our gutted local communities will not be able to mitigate crisis. 

Decline will destroy this complex global machine.  Since decline can be abrupt this could happen earlier than we appreciate.  Growth has numbed us to this systematic phenomenon because growth is slow and incremental.

Time value offers opportunity also.  There is so much economic potential still left that can be harnessed to mitigate what is ahead but this must be done quickly because soon deglobalization will accelerate destroying economies of scale.  Economies of scale is what makes economic potential affordable. 

If you focus on the inevitability of the “when” of decline then its effects can be better managed.  Stop the delusional bargaining with “if” decline will happen.   Several difficult steps down the decline ladder can be avoided by this honest embrace of reality.  Time is of the essence.  The problems of delocalization and transhumanism require time to mitigate.  Vital efforts should begin now not later.

Delocalization has some advantages too.  There are locations and lifestyles that are dead ends.  You may be located in the many mega urban areas across the globe.  These will be where the worst of decline both temporal and in degree will occur.  These places will decline quickly when resources are reduced.  The decline will be dramatic with the degree of dependence these places have on surrounding areas.  Many of you have the ability to relocate or change your career trajectories.

In REAL Green it is about finding microclimes of resilience just like the ecosystem operates when complexity goes into succession.   Leave these dangerous urban areas now while economics allow it.  If you can get out of occupations with no future in a world of decline.  Honest science is clear on what is and what is not survivable.  Reject the false utopia of techno optimism.

The key systematic view of this phase change into decline is abruptness.  The difference in rates of changes between decline and growth phases needs to be factored into your place.  Growth is relatively averaged over time whereas decline is sudden and abrupt changes downward as connections breakdown and reestablish.  Key conditions of abandonment, dysfunction, and the irrational become dominant in decline.

Abandonment is with the physical of our infrastructure.  Dysfunction is with our systems and networks.  The irrational is with our wisdom of what knowledge to embrace and what we should discard.  We have built up infrastructure that is not sustainable in a world of decline.  Our systems and networks will become dysfunctional when infrastructure breaks down.  Dysfunctional systems will cause further physical abandonment.  Our wisdom to make proper choices becomes more irrational when we fight decline by continuing to live in the world of growth.

You the individual in many cases have the opportunity to adapt and mitigate this decline.  You first must stop believing failure is not an option.  Realize safe places and proper ways of life in decline now matter more than ever.  Evaluate where you are and what you are doing.  Embrace decline and its reality and you may find opportunity.  Do what species do when ecosystems decline which is adapt.  They find niches that free up when complexity declines.

There are viscosities to decline in places that have the right ingredients.  There are locals that are like eddies that will spin out of the current of decline and prosper relatively.  There are microclimes you can seek that offer stability.  This is not secret wisdom it is what nature does.  Look to the way ecosystems breakdown and embrace opportunities.

I am highlighting an article that debunks renewables as our energy transition.  Renewables won’t save us but they can moderate decline.  They can do this in combination with fossil fuels.  Both are needed.  The reason this is so important is this won’t happen until it is too late and failure is realized.  Everything now at the top of the hierarchy is focused on growth through energy transition combined with technocratic centralization.  Renewables and digital are central to this.  Fossil fuels are being eliminated when this will instead cause a worse outcome. 

The cult of technology must be ended but it won’t.  You the individual can get out of this delusional cult. We can’t expect to use technology to solve the problems technology created.  Technology will still be needed but technology that is rationed by a wisdom embracing decline.  What needs to be done is to decouple and dematerialize into simple and smaller living arrangements.  Civilization can’t do this but you the individuals can.  You can’t save the world but you can make your local of people and place more secure.

The notes to this article I am including are vital to take to heart because without an energy transition the much-trumpeted 4th industrial revolution of modern marvels will fail miserably.  Take this to heart now and change where you can.  The top will double down on a delusional narrative that growth can be maintained.  If you embrace this narrative, you risk being a victim of collapse.  Remember collapse is a varied condition locally and over time.  It governs all but with different expressions locally.  It is here where you can make a difference.


“we cannot “de-couple” the economy from energy use. This conclusion is wholly logical, given that nothing which has any economic value whatsoever can be supplied without the use of energy.”

“We conclude that, despite their unquestionable importance, alternative energy sources cannot provide a complete or like-for-like replacement for the energy value hitherto sourced from oil, natural gas and coal.”

“First, as the energy industries expanded, they reaped continuing economies of scale. The relationship between fixed and variable costs dictates that a large oil, gas or coal field is less expensive to develop and operate in unit terms than a smaller one, and this applies to processing and distribution systems as well.”

“At the same time, the global search for lowest-cost energy supplies reduced ECoEs through the process of geographic reach. A notable milestone in this progression was the discovery and development of the vast petroleum resources of the Middle East. Despite the hopes that have been vested in various basins in more recent times, the industry has never found anything on a scale which compares with the enormous oil wealth of the Middle East.”

“The third factor which has driven fossil fuel ECoEs downwards over time has been technical progress, at every stage of the chain from extraction to processing and distribution. This process has been gradual and, in an era in which excessive faith is often vested in technology, we need to remind ourselves that the capabilities of technology are limited by the laws of physics.”

“Once the benefits of scale and reach had been exhausted, a new factor became the driver of ECoEs. This factor is depletion, a term which describes the natural process whereby lowest-cost resources are used first, leaving costlier alternatives for later. Unlike reach and scale, depletion pushes trend ECoEs upwards rather than downwards.”

“We need to be clear that we are not going to ‘run out of’ oil, or, for that matter, gas or coal. Rather, what we are experiencing is a relentless increase in costs, as older (and generally larger and simpler) deposits are exhausted, and are replaced by resources which are higher-cost, and are often smaller, more remote and more technically challenging than previous sources.”

“Here, then, is the point of contention. In stark contrast to the perpetual growth promised by orthodox economics, energy-based analysis informs us that prosperity can only expand, or even be maintained at current levels, if two conditions can be satisfied.  If aggregate prosperity is to be maintained, aggregate energy supply must not decrease, and we must find a way to stop further increases in trend ECoEs. Unless both conditions can be met, the economy gets smaller”

“For simplicity, it is assumed in all scenarios that fossil fuel supply declines by 18% between 2021 and 2040, and that there are modest increases in the availability of energy from nuclear and hydroelectric power.  On this basis, and despite incremental contributions from nuclear and hydro, total primary energy availability is 12% lower in 2040 than it was in 2021.”

“If prosperity is to stand any chance of being maintained at current levels – taking into account rising ECoEs – aggregate energy supply needs to grow by at least 1.5% annually (Fig. 7C). For this to happen, we would need a 900% increase in the supply of energy from wind and solar power. This is roughly the set of projections which corresponds to the lower end of consensus expectations, and we’re not jumping too far ahead if we state here and now that this is extremely improbable.”

“The final scenario (Fig. 7D) is the one actually used in SEEDS analysis. By 2040, fossil fuel supplies are 18% lower than they were in 2021. Wind and solar power, taken together, have increased by 90%. There has been a 21% rise in the combined contribution of nuclear and hydroelectricity, and a modest increase from renewable sources other than wind and solar.”

“The limits to transition.  Simply stated, the consensus view is that the supply of energy from wind and solar power will increase so dramatically in the coming decades that we can reduce or even eliminate the use of climate-damaging fossil fuels without experiencing any contraction in the economy. There can be no question about the importance of the environmental imperative contained in this view.”

“But the orthodox line doesn’t just postulate the attainment of environmental sustainability through like-for-like transition to renewables, let alone suggest that we can attain sustainability by making some economic sacrifices, which might be a reasonable point of view.  Rather, it holds out the bold promise of “sustainable growth”.”

“We’re told, for instance, that most of the world’s vehicles – totalling close to 2 billion, and including 1.1 billion cars – can be replaced with electric vehicles (EVs). The aggregate of global prosperity will carry on growing indefinitely, perhaps by between 3% and 3.5% annually, meaning that the economy will be somewhere between 75% and 90% bigger, in real terms, in 2040 than it was in 2021. Needless to say, there won’t have to be significant sacrifices made by the public, who will carry on driving, flying and consuming at ever-increasing rates.”

“Where efficiency is concerned, the harnessing of energy is subject to the laws of physics, which set limits to what is possible. This is certainly true of renewables. The potential efficiency of wind power is determined by Betz’ Law, which states that a maximum of 60% of the kinetic energy of wind can be captured by a turbine. The equivalent for solar is the Shockley-Queisser Limit, which is 34%.”

“For practical purposes, two observations need to be made here. First, we cannot expect to lift conversion efficiency all the way to the Betz and Shockley-Queisser maxima, because no technology can attain perfect theoretical efficiency.”

“Second, and more importantly, current best practice is already close to theoretical maxima. The conversion ratios of solar panels (where the limit is 34%) already exceeds 26%. The efficiency of wind energy conversion, where the maximum is 60%, is already above 40%.”

In short, and whilst technical progress is likely to continue, there can be no quantum leap in conversion efficiencies, a conclusion well stated here.”

“If we are to attain very large increases in the supply of wind and solar power, the heavy lifting will have to be done by capacity expansion.”

“Both of these considerations leverage the necessary quantities of material inputs. Battery weight is about 60X higher than the weight required for the storage of an energy-equivalent quantity of fossil fuels, and between 50 and 100 tonnes of raw materials are needed for each tonne of batteries produced.”

“A rocky road ahead.  The situation, in summary, is that (a) fossil fuel supplies can be expected to decrease more rapidly than alternatives can be expanded, and (b) that the material connection between renewables and fossil fuels makes it implausible that the relentless rise in ECoEs can be stemmed, still less reversed, by renewables expansion.”

“As we have seen, decreasing energy availability reduces economic output, whilst rising ECoEs leverage the adverse consequences for prosperity.”

“The Surplus Energy Economics project concentrates on the analytical rather than the prescriptive, and the foregoing should not be taken as disputing the imperative of transition to renewables.”

“On the contrary, renewables offer our best chance of mitigating economic decline. If we decided to stick with fossil fuel energy and back-pedal on renewables, the economy would contract under the combined pressures of decreasing energy supply and relentlessly rising ECoEs.”

“There is not, as is so often assumed, any necessary contradiction between our economic and our environmental best interests, which means that transition is imperative for economic as well as environmental reasons. If we tried to carry on with reliance on fossil fuels, we might wreck the environment but would definitely wreck the economy, as supplies of fossil energy decline, and their ECoEs soar.”

“But there really is no justification for techno-optimism around transition, and claims that “sustainable growth” is assured are starkly at odds with reality. The fact of the matter is that fossil fuels offer energy density, flexibility and portability that no other source of primary energy can match.”

“We cannot circumvent the laws of physics, nor sever the necessary connection between energy use and economic output. Neither can we reverse the rise in ECoEs by switching to lower-density sources of energy supply.”


Connect the dots to see the tipping point that represents an entire planet in flux.  Civilization is economics and energy.  Modern economics is essentially driven by globalism and financialization.  Technology which has been so important to growth is economics and energy but driven by the quest for greater affluence.  Affluence drives power.

Everything else is a subset of these equations in the realm of man’s dualistic pole of science.  I call this the scientific pole because it is our activities of survival that goes all the way back to our beginnings as hunter gathers.  Once our basic survival is achieved then we start to see a hierarchy of affluence develop.  This continues with the right variables until a power structure is created.  Civilization develops when the leverage of networks of people specializing combine to produce a centralization of power.

This is a very simple view and it is important to keep it simplistic because it is only with a generalized view one can step back and see the whole picture.  The cyclic of growth and decline found in nature is just as important to the human ecosystem.  Visualize human growth in its civilization structures.  This is an increasing flow of affluence and power into centralized cores.  This is our patterning instinct because we are a subset of nature’s ecosystem.  This means civilization can’t be linear as the orthodoxy likes to portray as a manifest destiny and the expansion to the stars.  It is instead no different than all other species that have come before locked in the cyclic pattern of life that is growth and decline.

The modern cyclic is currently staged in a carbon trap and path dependencies no different than a cyanobacteria in its basic urge to combat entropy.  This is a macro systematic condition with variables that interact.   There are thresholds civilization has managed to push and extend through technology and fossil energy.  The affluence we have today is a product of ascending convergence of growth variables.  There has never been such a convergence in human history.  The combination of these factors in the equation of growth has taken human activity to a peak.

I would argue we are now in the neighborhood of that peak in an overlapping condition that is like a froth.  This froth is a mixture of growth and decline.  This froth has a surreal expression.  It is growth variables that have been pushed into diminishing returns which means their power is waning.  It is the combination of individual variables that are waning or declining combining to create a total system that is waning.  It has forces that have inertia forcing change even though that change is now destructive. 

Technology is now creating more problems than it solves but humans keep embracing its power to change.  This destructive change will not be like the past where new technologies were constructive even with their destructive change to previous lifestyles.  This is now a combination of destructive forces and technology is included adding to the overall force of decline.

We have nonrenewable resources that are depleting.  Traditionally this has been dealt with through substitution with economics and technological adaptation.  Economics and technology are reaching diminishing returns.  In many ways they have tipped over into destructive change.  Economics is now financialized and global meaning a delocalization that damages local economies which are the bedrock of our civilization. 

Financializations eventually becomes parasitic feeding off real production without a positive return.  It takes valuable resources for private use at the expense of the productive systems.  Our globalized world is now hyper financialized.  Excessive debt is an indicator of this.  Debt currently does not reflect reality except as a warning of excesses of financialization.

The non-renewable resources of high-quality energy and minerals have matured in most all cases and now are declining in concentrated value.  Living resources are in decline from exploitation.  These ingredients can’t be substituted anymore.  Fossil fuels are no longer high quality and cheap to get.  There are lots left but not of the kind that drives economic value that returns useful growth that it once did.  Recycling of minerals has matured and, in many cases, actually downcycling.  We are spending more in recovery than the resulting resource recovered.

Renewable energy and lab grown meat are just more of the same condition of the maturing of technology that is no longer effective at value creation.  AI and the centralization of networks is increasingly a situation a tipping over of diminishing returns where the benefits are destructive.  The administrative state is now bloated and its tools of digitation parasitic.  Technology has now taken our globalized world to a point of being rigid to shocks.  Technology has allowed risk to be dispersed making the whole system risky.  It has also allowed a peak in globalization that has concentrated huge amounts of affluence.

I want to keep the mental math here simple because complexity is the problem.  Complexity is what is clouding the wisdom of enough.  This wisdom is knowing when to make proper choices of more and less.  There has been almost no effort to restrict power and affluence.  Trying to limit fossil fuels by using technology of renewables to do the same thing fossil fuels have been doing is not limiting.  This is just an attempt at substitution that science and math indicate is not possible.  Ideology is being used to say it is a transition energy system. 

It is economically deadly to limit growth because the system is growth based.  The system has no pathway to degrowth unlike previous civilizations like the Maya that lived by a cyclic system that shaped their ideology.  They lived growth and decline their science saw in the stars and natural phenomena.  This inability of our civilization to embrace a cyclic period of decline is seen even with people who believe in degrowth as the way forward.  These people still try to find ways to decouple and dematerialize but achieve the same results of affluence.  The problem that results is engineering an affluent system to maintain affluence without the destructive side effects is limiting affluence.

Limiting affluence in an affluence-based system is the problem.  This is especially true in a financialized global system where power has centralized.  These power centers are not going to willingly let go of this power for the benefit of the overall system’s health.  This is the period of denial where these oligarchic nodes of power will double down on the same activities.  The same ingredients will be used even when they try different applications. 

The top can’t do it by the bottom can but first the bottom must realize the current nature of the cyclic in a peak of growth and entering a decline period.  In this time of overlap of growth and decline it is easy because of path dependencies to be fooled into thinking growth will continue.  Some growth will continue but the overall force soon to be fully in charge is decline.  Decline as a different nature that must be adapted to.  The bottom can adapt and still find adequate affluence.

We can now reasonably say we are at the peak with overlapping forces of decline and growth.  This surreal place is difficult to navigate and manage.  For the top where leadership and networks combine it is no longer manageable except maybe to sabotage and even that is difficult because the controls to this system are so dispersed that sabotage is difficult.  In some ways the system has taken on a life of its own of unstoppable change in path dependent growth.  This is unstoppable because the impulse to power and affluence are maintained by billions of choices and multiple power nodes.  It is programmed into the system and its networks.  Increasingly it is transhuman with technology taking on human characteristics.  The machine will want more because that is its programming.

This is compounded by the dislocation of the spiritual by the extremes of science.  Science has now taken on spiritual dimensions.  This is no longer pure science.  It is now taking on ideological characteristics and being used politically.  It is socially being employed to control and centralize power with a system technologically based with technocratic control.  Even talking about the spiritual makes people uncomfortable because science has painted the spiritual as superstitious and primitive.  In many ways human spirituality has been these things but don’t be fooled because science is just as bad when it tries to be spiritual.  What a properly grounded spirituality does is acceptance and humility which are limiting forces that allow a satisfaction of the vital condition of a wisdom of enough affluence.

Proper wisdom comes with the siloing of spirt and science in their proper realms.  These dualistic elements of human nature must be scaled and balanced.  This condition goes deep into our being with our desire to connect to something greater.  Our isolated and vulnerable ego desires the salvation of connection.  Our ego also seeks power and control to survive.  When the wisdom to balance this condition is disrupted one or the other pole becomes destructive.  They will always be in flux because the cyclic is in motion so any wisdom at any time in human history has been a moving target.

At this time in history the extremes of science are so great that science is now driving collapse.  See the peak and see the overlap.  If you do this then you can make individual choices in microclimes that will make your survival chances better.  You will find more meaning which will give you the courage to do hard things.  We think we have made life prosperous but what we have done is pushed prosperity to an unsupportable condition subject to loss far worse than less prosperity may have resulted in.

 Just imagine a world that did not embrace fossil fuels and kept its population much lower relying on natures systems to supply our needs.  Contrast this with our system of today barreling into a world where resources are inadequate and a huge population consuming far too much.  Some how if a wisdom could have been employed this might have been prevented.  I would argue as systems in crease in size they lose the ability to apply wisdom.  They self-organize into systems that are uncontrollable and seek power and affluence without reflections.

You can shape your local even though the top is gone in an unstoppable effort at more power and affluence.  The system at the top will take care of itself in self-organization which is increasingly the devolution of the system in the elements of abandonment, dysfunction, and the irrational.  You can’t change this.  Even the greatest of leaders can only change things on the margins.  This force is unstoppable.  Affluence is limited on a finite planet.  Beyond a point affluence is cannibalization.  Yet, at the bottom change is possible.  This destructive tendency can be mitigated.

I am speaking to a few here.  My message is not for those of you in the increasingly urbanized world.  I am talking to those who have resources and education.  This narrows the list even more.  I am speaking to those who can move to rural areas and build a homestead and practice the wisdom of less in permaculture.  This does not mean you will not be growing.  You will be building things and assembling things but with a new wisdom of the view of a world heading into the succession of decline.  Your choices will be focused on less is more.  Consolidation and the cleaning out of the deadwood of destructive affluence will be one of your biggest efforts.  We have too many things and opportunities at this peak point.  Now is the time for a wisdom of less is more in what I would call enough.

This is green prepping.  What is green is more prepped.  This is about a new spirituality that rejects the ideology of scientism and seeks to properly scale science in localism.  This localism is still dependent and within the world that science has taken over.  Yet, it seeks to parasitically use this destructive world to leave it.  Use salvage to hybridize tech towards appropriate applications that are scaled to nature at its slower pace.  Connect with the ecosystem better by utilizing biomass that is the real renewable energy.  Use exceptional technology to help manage the gathering and harvesting of energy to survive.  Do it with a wisdom of less is more.

Spiritually seek enough affluence instead of always more.  Technology with its power and efficiency constantly seeks to increase even when we already have enough.   Avoid delocalization that the transport culture makes so easy.  Arguably a primary choice that brings the greatest return is reduce travel.  Stop unnecessary travel and focus your discretionary time and money on your immediate surroundings.  There is a simple equation to this wisdom.  This is the wisdom of enough.  Even though this idea of enough is a moving target within a surreal world.  When making choices downsize and restrict.  You will almost always be correct event though this world is surreal and nebulous. 

Develop a wisdom that sees the peak and the overlap so you can navigate the surreal of modern life.  Driving down the road to a grocery store and paying for food with plastic or paper is surreal.  If you don’t feel this then you are lost in the system.  The surreal is also seeing it and wondering how you can leave this unsustainable situation.  The sad reality is all you can do is adapt it with a wisdom that seeks to minimize this situation.

It is very important to have a spirituality that is less corrupted by this world of science and affluence.  Most religions are now businesses.  It is not necessarily that the religious messages are wrong it is they are corrupted by affluence and science.  Update your religion and your unique spirituality to the reality of peak and overlap.  Seek less and try to find enough.  Embrace the surreal so you can find real meaning.  Accept the trap that is only manageable on the margins.  This is about lifeboats of things and a spirituality of palliative care.  This is a hospice which is a place of humility and acceptance.

Treat your world like an ecosystem in decline.  A declining ecosystem breaks down established structures and, in this process, frees up places of growth for species that adapt.  Be that adaptable species to this breakdown of modern civilization such that you will create a situation where you can get enough.  This is a relative situation and you must be realistic but at least chart a proper course that is less prone to unsustainability.  This is the only pathway to more resilience to the severe shocks ahead.  There is meaning available in this wisdom of enough that will transform your existing spirituality.


I practice green prepping.  The truth is I am trapped in a fossil fuel culture with people that are dependent on a modern way of life.  I call this a carbon trap in path dependencies.  My goal as a green prepper is to live in this other world to leave it.  Since a trap can’t be left this is a matter of how far I can distance myself from a world that is dirty and unsustainable.  To make matters worse it is a world of comforts and affluence.  These seductive benefits make green prepping even more difficult psychologically.

REAL Green is a relative and realistic permaculture and homesteading.  It is rural and local.  Conservation is a fundamental.  There is a spiritual aspect that is quite important.  Without the spirituality of a green mysticism this effort is difficult.  It is difficult because you are going against the current of social and economic realities.  Simplicity and appropriate tech have tradeoffs.  This is a life of less affluence.  This type of life is ascetic and stoic.  A spiritual strength is needed to maintain this juxtaposition.  A green connection allows life and the land to support you through the tradeoffs.

Green living is the key.  You connect to the land and its life.  You see the beauty and beautify.  This is not something to replace your spirituality or religion.  Green is something to add to that.  This is not an urban effort.  The modern city is not the place to practice REAL Green.  You must have a homestead and practice permaculture.  What REAL Green tries to do is bridge these worlds that are in contrast.  By doing this you will enhance your preparations for decline and collapse.  Green means more secure.

Prepping is about the honest recognition of a world in decline on all levels.  This carbon trapped world that is overpopulated and consumes too much can’t be maintained.  Technology is rapidly making this worse especially with automation and artificial intelligence.  The digital revolution is degrading human strengths and virtues.  The problem is the world is dependent on this now such that to end this way of life will destroy it.  There is no going back for civilization but there is some room to adapt the life of the individual.  Prepping attempts to scale back or reverse some of this risk.  Prepping attempts to get back to the basics of food and shelter with less fossil fuels and technology.

This means triage of tech and comforts.  It means the salvage of the old ways in a hybridization of new and old.  Biomass which is the direct connection to sun, soil, and water is embraced.  It is embraced with technology and energy to leverage it.  A fossil fuel life is difficult to leave.  To do it requires a living most can’t adapt to.  Yet, animal and human labor can be introduced relatively and realistically.  This hybridization means a combination of the two in simplicity with appropriate applications.  You will have to grow things and forage.  You will need to gather things like firewood.  You will need to give up modern pleasures to do this.  This is a tradeoff.

I am reflecting on what I have done.  This is my reconciliation.  I have a 23-year conversion effort with the last 10 years dedicated to the creation of a permaculture homestead.  It is permaculture because it is rural and growing things.  Permaculture requires getting more circular meaning wasting less.  It is more local because delocalization lowers resilience.  Yet, we are dependent on the car culture so this dependency must be respected.  The digital world is likewise a delocalization that has to be mitigated.  The idea of triaging out what you can then through salvage combining what is left in a hybridization is the key.  Make the old ways easier through modern knowledge and technology.

My reconciliation is on how far I have come and how little I have achieved as far as sustainability.  In the world of the machine, I have not come very far.  I have machines and gadgets that make up the majority of what I do.  I adapted them towards more simplicity and lower performance but I am still dependent.  I have spent a lot of money with little in return.  What I have had is a fantastic journey of enlightenment but with the experience of just how trapped I am in affluence of the machine.  I see how dirty my life is and how I am trapped in this affluence especially as I age and require more assistance.

If the world falls apart, I will have time to adjust but not much.  My prep portfolio will last a few months or years depending on the type of collapse.  I have mental preparations and experience to know what I need to do but this can’t make up for the lack of sustainability in my community.  The word I live in is not ready to leave electricity and fuel.  Groceries and basics of health care are essential to life for most.  Without electricity my world becomes very difficult.  Without fossil fuels much of what I do grinds to a halt.  It is not practical or possible for me to do all this with animal and human labor.  What I do is some of it.

Psychologically I am prepared but as prepared as one can get.  There is no way to fully prepare for pain, suffering and maybe death.  There is just acceptance and humility.  So, what this comes down to is an honest scientific approach of creating a lifeboat for a world in a collapse process.  This is made more difficult by the time frame of this process.  I may die before these results are needed.  This is why the spiritual side is so important.  You will do this effort because it is good for the land and life.  You are doing less harm and feel meaning in this.

This is what I call the hospice of REAL Green.  You are doing palliative care of acceptance for a world that can’t last and faces pain, suffering, and death.  Even though you are prepped it still is not enough so this is mental care for yourself as well as others.  The humility of just how exposed we are to a world where electricity, fuel, and machinery quits is truly frightening.  The hospice of this is facing this head on thereby normalizing the fear.  What this does is lowers the anxiety of the fear so you can live properly in the here and now.

This hospice mentality is important for your community relationships.  It will be the case you feel a superiority to others because you are awakened and transformed.  Your prepping means it is less likely you will panic when the world shuts down.  You will see through the lies and absurdities of this world of affluence.  This hospice mentality means you will be humble about this and accepting for when people judge you as a green prepper.  You will try to avoid looking down on others who are oblivious and uneducated to reality.  You will see sheep living to be slaughtered but with understanding you are the shepherd.

This life is an effort to reduce affluence within a realistic and relative approach to your family and community.  It is a journey of discovery of a new way of life that modern man left with the advent of industrialization.  It is a spiritual effort to address the fear and anxiety of just how exposed we all are to a world that is unravelling.  This is a more stoic and ascetic life requiring a proper mix of science and spirit.  The result is more spiritual rewards, better preparations, and beauty.  The tradeoff is less affluence.  You will have to give up pleasures because this is a life of tradeoffs. 

You will live in the surreal driving down the road and understanding just how quickly this can end.  There is the hard work involved with hand labor with less return on your investment.  Modern pleasures will seduce you.  Your family will want them making you feel guilty not giving them happiness.  The best you can do is bend this way and that but with strength and courage that you are doing what is right.  What you are doing is an ancient human effort that was lost with industrialization.


I am a doomer who specializes in green prepping.  Green prepping is prepping for what I hope is only accelerated decline but unfortunately in this unsustainable overextended world there could be at any time a cascading collapse.  The green part is a combination of physical and metaphysical permaculture.  Physical permaculture in this age of carbon traps is for me a middle-class westerner the attempt at more sustainable agriculture with less energy input and corresponding waste streams.  A more circular system and one with reverence for the wild is the goal not more production.  This is very hard to do and remain middle class.  This is why REAL Green is realistic towards people and place and relative in degree of what can be done.

Metaphysical permaculture is less understood.  Metaphysical permaculture is the spiritual side of green.  It is direct connection to the land and life.  This requires rural living.  This is cannot be understood in an urban setting.  It may be partly understood through the manual of words but not complete unless embraced.  This is the walking of the talk.   A minority of people are rural and even fewer are engaged in agriculture.  Fewer yet are concerned with prepping.  This leaves a few percentages of the population as candidates.  The world has turned upside-down and this is why it is so at risk to cascading collapse.  Those who can do physical and spiritual permaculture should and they will be the seeds of the future.   When urbanism breaks down as it will.  The old ways of life that have been bred out of society must be returned to.

This discussion will step on the toes of religion.  My approach is as a mystic and an enjoyer of comparative religions east and west but also the deep nature culture of the Native American.  I am a Christian because my family, tribe and community are.  It is my spiritual upbringing.  I have not rejected this.  I am a mystic and a shaman so to treat my religion differently.  I am not going to embrace the belief system in the same way as the faithful.  I do this without judgement.  I am simply living my revelation.  I see the body of Christ as the community of family and tribe.  The kingdom of Heaven is the salvation that comes through love and humility to a higher power within the body of Christ.  Yet, I take this further by incorporating green spirituality.  If you can’t embrace nature also then in my opinion your spirituality will lack authenticity because you will be distanced from the planet and living in the theory of being not in direct experience.

As a doomer I am on the edge of society as a shaman.  REAL Green shamanism is the expression of spiritual permaculture.  It is direct experience to the land and its life.  Doom is not mainstream and considered taboo so this is another aspect of REAL Green shamanism.   You live outside mainstream society on the fringes much as shamans of old.  If you are part of the establishment, doom becomes a tool of repression and ideology like what the climate movement has become.  I believe the climate has destabilized but I do not believe we can manage this with a fake green zero carbon programs.  Affluent living means carbon and most fake greens are affluent.  Climate doom is a propaganda tool of the globalist.  It is dishonest and manipulative. 

I speak to you not as an authority because shamanism is not about authority.  Shamanism is about allowing life and the land to live through you.  I am just repeating what has been revealed to me through direct connection.  I have no special powers because of this.  I am part of a special power instead.  I am not always in this direct connection state and I am often in a surreal state of seeing the absurdity of man’s creations in relation to life’s creations.  Somehow this is life’s plan because I see no evidence man is exceptional or separate from life either physically or spiritually.  So somehow, we are doing the bidding of the universe.  This is somehow the way or the Tao.  This sacred can’t be understood only accepted.

Part of REAL Green is also honest science.  REAL Green transmutation is the proper scale and balance of science and spirituality.  Once found there is an awakening and transformation.  Today science is dishonest and hijacked by evil forces.  Scientism is the result.  Real Green science is the embrace of our natural inclinations to do reductivism to increase our ability to survive but also to enjoy comfort.  A proper science is general and combined with a specialization.  This is similar to a prepper homesteader who is a jack of all trades and specialized in one activity.  A proper science is guided by wisdom and most importantly a wisdom that is humble and accepting of a higher power.  Today science is seeking godhead status which is blasphemous to the sacred.  In a sense science and its priests are evil.  This evil I speak of is in a REAL Green sense of being anti-life and anti-human.

I am speaking to you around the fire in enjoyment.  This is your life, your local of people and place.  If I am able to speak to you and you understand then this is my gift of wisdom.  This is your journey so make of it what you wish.  I am not a writer so if you pass judgment on my discussions in regards to prose and grammar you are missing the point.  I am just speaking freely as shamans do.  Nature asks me to do this so I complying with respect.  The sacred will call and if awakened you follow.

What I am going to discuss with you today is abstract.  It concerns spiritual permaculture which I have been speaking about so much lately.  I am sorry that most of my latest posts have been dark and foreboding.  This is an honest take on the times.  We are in truly dangerous times on all levels but at the same time we are in times of renewed meaning.  Meaning and loss of meaning go together and when one gets extreme the result is an extreme reaction.  Decades of history are being manifested in months.  This is because the forces of evil as in anti-life, have made their move.  This is the globalist transhumanism of technocratic scientism combining with global governance of stakeholder elites.  They are leading us into a new epoch.  This is the final age of the machine.  This is the age of death.

The anti-life forces of scientism and transhumanism are taking life in the wrong direction.  Techno-green is not green it is anti-life but it is being marketed as good, clean, and altruistic.  This lie is important to understand because you are having your rights conned away by deception.  The recognition of these fake green lies is also important to green prepping efforts of permaculture.  These forces are evil in the sense of being anti-life but also predators seeking to enslave you in their two-tier society of elites and serfs.  Your efforts at building a homestead and spiritual monastery are at risk.  The elites will impoverish you under the guise it is what is best for you.  My doomerism says decline and collapse is coming anyway but this anti-life ideology means it will come much quicker and be much more devastating.

The Anti-Christ is among us and it is part of us.  Let me explain because really Anti-Christ in REAL Green mysticism is simply anti-life.  Our system of governance and economy is now becoming anti-life.  In the direct spiritual experience of mysticism, one must let go of religious concepts which is confined to the limits of linear and dualistic ability of language.  In the non-linear of direct experience this anti-life in the cyclic is the extreme embrace of self-consciousness.   Collectively it is now an isolated ego lost in dysfunction with all the neurosis of a mentally illness.  The end game of this is self-destruction because it is only through scale and balance of the spiritual and the physical that there is transmutation.  Transmutation is the embrace of the pulse of life.   Life is constant change without it the universe is paralyzed.  In a metaphysical sense then self-consciousness leads to eventual paralysis only to be awakened in the grace of naturalness.  Put simply the hubris of self-consciousness is forced back to the humility of acceptance in the grand process of the cyclic.

The following discussion highlights the people you should consider your adversaries not your benefactors.  This discussion is supported by notes from three posts you should read.  I took the notes at the end of the discussion and formed them into my view of the current evil taking hold of civilization.  I am not a writer so I crudely wove them together to express my revelation of this evil.  This is meant for enjoyment not fear.  We are all going to die.  Civilization will turn to dust.  In fact, life is so short we are already dead.  This realization is the renewal in life thus the cyclic.

The reason abstraction is needed here is the subject is as old as civilized man.  It has appeared before and it is always among us.  It gains strength as the cyclic shifts though its phases.  It is now at an extreme level mainly because of the incredible powers of energy and technology to usurp and destroy life.  It will destroy itself but you will be collateral damage and this is why you should be green prepping.  You can find a relative shelter from the coming storm but you must know what and where these nefarious forces are.  This is more than just human it is the system itself that is now transhuman and nihilist.  Yet this is a human system within a greater system that is in charge.  This is why those who seek godhead power will be consumed by their own desires for the immortality that power falsely gives.

Our technological creation connecting the earth in a morphic field of the machine is now advanced to the internet of things.  This is the terminator and we are helpless without it.  We cannot live without technology anymore so this is why this force is so deadly.  This Anti-life force is a spiritual predator in the systematic form too.  It is the mechanization of forces that kill life through consumption and waste streams.   This is now ubiquitous in our lives and we can no longer survive without it.  It is advancing into scientism of the reductive materialism of transhumanism (1).  This quad of techno-utopianism today has morphed into AI, technocracy and fully automated luxury communism (2).  Here communism is the two tier system of elites and serfs.

Techno-utopianism is a Luciferian construct. Not necessarily literally Lucifer, but the aspiration to “usurp God” with Luciferian characteristics (3).  This theorized class of spiritual predators called Luciferians consume power for their sustenance.  Satanists are lower order predators consumed by their unrestrained ego and impulse gratification.  Luciferians play the longest game of them all, and seek to attain Godhood itself. Pure power (4).

The transhuman declaration is a self-organizing force both predatory and the continuously adaptive nature of technology.  Man seeks to control and technology seeks constant innovation with more efficiency and more performance.  Combine these two and you have the deadliest power man has ever created.  This declaration envisions the broadening human potential of overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings, involuntary suffering from our confinement to a planet (5).  Yet, this is just a ruse.  This is actually a predatory pathway to power.  The tone is one of a serious bid for immortality.  There is no spiritual in this pathway it’s all about solving technical problems.  Glitches kill so death can be engineered out of the equation (6).  The singularity of a personalized universe with our consciousness uploaded to a cloud of pure intelligence is their kingdom (7).

Scientism has ushered in a final era of material reductionism that transcends religion and spirituality.  Any non-material aspect of reality that can’t be quantified will be made irrelevant in their technocratic manual (8).  Techno-utopianian systems and expert technocratic management believe they can engineer solutions for all undesirable outcomes (9).  Scientism considers the conscious phenomena as nothing over and above the neural level, thus it can be reduced to that level (1).  This means morality and ethics are subjective and relative.  This is a black hole that once entered can’t be returned from without destruction.

As we move into a more algorithmically controlled society, technocratic social credit systems will supplant conventional moral structures, and the prospect of having your mind uploaded into an everlasting paradise will be the quasi-religious payoff for conforming to the rules (10).  When we seek to shape the world through technocracy – not to mention reality itself through transhumanism and AI – we are pursuing a uniquely eschatological event known as “The Singularity”: a point in time when our technology becomes the base layer of reality (11).

Who and what is part of this luciferin field?   They are among us and we are within their system.  We are workers in this system whether we like it or not.  We helped in its construction.  We purchased its products.  We did not realize what we were doing until it was too late.  Now the fruits of our labor are being employed to destroy and enslave us deceptively.  These networks and systems once connected make your internet devices and automobiles capillaries of a great machine.  Its priests are the worlds elites but more precisely the .01% of the 1%.  It is this group who are seeking the pure power this vast machine field offers.  These groups are the globalist both east and west.  I will discuss the Davos crowed but the Chinese CCP is even more evil and the blueprint for the current Davos efforts.  The Davos man envy’s the tyranny of the CCP.  That should be a warning to you if you are freedom loving.

The Davos Club are at their core, Malthusians, Marxists and technocratic globalist.  The Malthusian element sees the masses taking up space and resources. The masses must instead be hived as workers and methodically reduced by the attrition of automation that is a stealth disenfranchisement.  The Marxist element is the outcome of the dominance of the elites in a two-tier society.  Marxism is about class struggle and equality for all in theory but never in practice.  In this new algorithm, the reality is about eliminating the middle class and the reduction of the class structure to only two (12).  This is the technocratic lords and the serfs controlled by the machine.  Technocratic globalism is required for the necessary economies of scale and control apparatuses.

Every technological quantum leap also bifurcates society into a breakaway civilization (16).  Systematically, a bifurcation can be described as the change in the number of equilibrium points or periodic orbits.  The stability of a dynamical system if a parameter is varied have the potential to bifurcate if pushed beyond thresholds.  This is what technology does as it revolutionizes life.  In the real world of a person what we have is the stability of a life system of energy, food, shelter, and travel being constantly adapted to more efficiency and performance in a technological society.   This leads to new technologies being embraced that are eventually unsupportable individually and societally.  Bifurcation results and it is the collective sum of bifurcations that lead to collapse.  We collapse one family at a time until a cascade of failure ripples through society from communities to nations and then finally one day the global system.

The Davos club has many noble sounding initiatives.  Words like clean, sustainable, and altruistic are the catch words.  This result is the economically revolutionary aspects of ESG in business which combined with governance is statism.  Technocratic statism is an advanced form of the public private cooperation in a command control system that is now enhanced and includes autonomous technology as a pillar.  The Woke of social justice and inclusion is transforming social norms.  This is a veneer to reduce the bedrock of society that is the family and small community to serfs in a technocratic system.   This is being done through the destructive confrontational politics of identity politics.  It is advertised to be for their own good (13).  These internal inconsistencies, when taken hold at a societal level lead to a type of hyper-normalization or what spiritual philosopher Ken Wilbur calls “aperspectival madness”.  Aperspectival – lacking perspective – madness(15).

This is the modus of technocratic consolidation of economic, social, and political power under the roof of the administrative state.  Urbanization will be maximized and the exterior starved.  The rural areas will be impoverished into drive through places.   Shiny autonomous EVs will whisk through these vast open areas into the urban areas of support.  This lebensraum for urbanism will be inhabited by vast fake-green energy farms.  Wind and solar are not green and never will be but the technocrats will embrace this techno-green as their sacrament.  Agriculture will be transformed away from the traditional agriculture of our ancestors already unrecognizable even further unsustainable with a micro managed nutrition business of mechanical and chemical processes.  Food will become a reward for proper behavior.  Those that disobey will be starved like Stalin’s USSR.

Central planning is futile once systematic limits are breached.  The three Body Problem suggests that there are simply too many moving parts in the world to be able to plan and control macro-outcomes.  What can happen though, and frequently does, is you can cause a lot of damage via central planning (20).  We are at that point where the non-linear of diminishing returns breaks over into problem creations not problem solving.  Global central planning is now embracing transhumanism in such a way that this process will do orders of magnitude damage to an already damaged system.

The ideological framework of “Davos Man” is intellectual.  This replaces spiritualism.   This elite ontology rests upon radical material reductionism.  Materialism, at its core, is pure nihilism.  There is no spirit. We have no souls. There is only matter, and lower humans are merely hackable animals (14).  Animals and plants are feedstock ingredients.  Green and clean is a mirage for further technological development.  Carbon free and climate neutral are labels for the latest lies.  Covid failed to force their desired change so now it is climate.  Habitability of a transhuman civilization is their only concern not nature.  It is not the original Gaian way of earlier true greens.  A new techno green of an ordered civilization where eventually even planetary systems can be properly geoengineered is the goal (14).

Luciferian metaphysics is predation.  Their reality is layered from the physical to the spiritual. Pure power thrums only in the higher reaches of the spiritual domains. The higher dominates the lower. Spirit determines matter, not the reverse.  Elitism is of the essence here; only powerful spiritual adepts and Luciferian masters deserve to occupy the higher realms and to enjoy the benefits found only there (17).  Matter and spirit are not in balance in this regime so there is no stability.  This regime eventually consumes itself as planetary systems and life systems seek stasis sweeping away their unnatural constructions.

We can liken these forces to a pendulum that is self-perpetuating with a single imperative: to draw as much energy into itself as possible. More importantly, it is agnostic about the energy charge – it doesn’t matter if people are in harmony with the pendulum or opposed to it. Both poles create the energy that the pendulum craves (18).  This is why Marxism is so effective for Luciferians.  The destructive nature of technological development combines with the social destruction from color revolution tools of identity politics and economic disruption are so effective.  A small number of people can control large populations when they are in a state of disunity.  The elites exploit the social and economic vacuum to be able to administer.  Chaos serves their political objectives. 

These predators have no morality only what perpetuates their increase in power.  Technology has now allowed a kind of Luciferian perdition never seen before in human history.  It is likely an expression of the end of the process of human history because in the cyclic centralization gives way to decentralization.  Bifurcations caused by unsupportive technology will end the energy this Luciferian perdition requires.  Net energy decline will starve the Luciferian of their transhuman power.  Physics limits technology.  Economies depend on both and economies are needed for surplus energy and technological innovation.

The machine requires prodigious amounts of energy increasingly in net energy decline.  The physical limits of technology will exhaust this systems ability to substitute for depletion   These limiting forces will break down this final human system.  Revolutionary technological advancements eventually feed upon themselves as the body does in starvation.  Death, is the result physically and metaphysically.  The danger of this force is the breaching of sustainability and resilience for a global civilization already beyond stability.  This is setting modern man up for a global Armageddon.

Pure materialism. Pure reductionism. Pure Harari.  Steiner warns that: “The consciousness of those human beings whom I have called devourers of soul and spirit is in a condition of dimness…; for by not accepting the spiritual into their human nature, they drive straight into the Luciferic stream everything they introduce … What men eat and drink without spirituality goes straight to Lucifer!” Here Steiner is talking about spiritual predation and warning those who think they’re the predators, are actually the prey for the egregores they serve (19).

The Party at Davos is under the impression that they are the vanguard of neo-Darwinist evolution – when it’s looking instead like they are functionaries of a larger morphic field that is distinctly Luciferian or Ahrimanic in character. This field encapsulates transhumanism, techno-Marxism, technocracy and social credit (20).  When you consider the positioning and branding of the WEF, with their certitude and paternalism, it all makes a lot more sense when viewed as a cult instead of a cabal (22).  Participants in a cabal will abandon it the moment it ceases to serve their interests but cultists will double-down. They will burn themselves alive and eat their children. They are ideological berserkers (23).

In order to be able to live your life irrespective of how Davos Man thinks you should, you have to be independently wealthy. That may not be ideal or fair, but that’s how it is. If you aren’t independently wealthy as we go through this Fourth Turning of history, then there’s high likelihood you’ll be a neo-Feudal serf, trapped within a social credit system, living on stimmies (CDBCs), and doing what you’re told.  By independently wealthy, I mean not reliant on single external entities, and especially not on government entitlements. If you live in a trailer on a plot of land that you own free and clear and have a viable niche in your community, you’re independent. You’re in better shape than the mid-level investment banker whose bonus is $750K but he’s several million in debt over and above his assets (21).


(5)Transhumanist Declaration “We envision the possibility of broadening human potential by overcoming aging, cognitive shortcomings, involuntary suffering and our confinement to planet Earth.”

(6)Noah Harari, in his Homo Deus sets the tone early on by declaring: In the twenty-first century, humans are likely to make a serious bid for immortality….Humans always die due to some technical glitch….Nothing metaphysical about it. It is all technical problems.

(7)Ray Kurzweil, who posits a “technological singularity” which would provide for a personalized and totally controlled universe for every human, one where they would be in complete control to experience whatever they desired, for all eternity, once we all upload our consciousnesses into the cloud.

(8)Scientism (as distinct from exploration and discovery using the scientfic method) has ushered in a new era of material reductionism so that religion, spirituality, or any other non-material aspect of reality that cannot be readily quantified have been stripped of relevance and meaning in our Brave New World.

(9)techno-utopian thinking, the idea that systems and expert management can control for all undesirable outcomes

(15)there are fundamental internal contradictions in techno-utopian thinking. The logical extension of the intellectual framework is that consciousness is an illusion, albeit, one we we’ll be able to perpetuate ever after by uploading it into the cloud.  These internal inconsistencies, when taken hold at a societal level lead to a type of hypernormalization or what spiritual philosopher Ken Wilbur calls “aperspectival madness”.

aperspectival – lacking perspective – madness

(16)every technological quantum leap also bifurcates society into a breakaway civilization

(10)As we move into a more algorithmically controlled society, I would expect that technocratic social credit systems will supplant conventional moral structures, and the prospect of having your mind uploaded into an everlasting paradise will be the religious payoff for conforming to the rules.”

(12) The Davos Club are at their core, Malthusians and Marxists. By Malthusian I mean that they think there are too many useless eaters in the world taking up space and resources. You’re one of them. They’re not.  By Marxist I mean the true outcome of socialism: a two tier society. Ostensibly, Marxism is about class struggle and equality for all, but in reality it’s about about eliminating the middle class and the reduction of the class structure to only two

(13) Anything that comes out of Davos, no matter how noble it sounds is really just veneer to get enough useful idiots to convince enough useless eaters to accept the narrative that what is being done to them is for their own good. This year took aim at individual carbon footprints.”

(21)central planning is futile…Three Body Problem suggests that there are simply too many moving parts in the world to be able to plan and control macro outcomes…What can happen though, and frequently does, is you can cause a lot of damage via central planning

(22)In order to be able to live your life irrespective of how Davos Man thinks you should, you have to be independently wealthy. That may not be ideal or fair, but that’s how it is. If you aren’t independently wealthy as we go through this Fourth Turning of history, then there’s high likelihood you’ll be a neo-Feudal serf, trapped within a social credit system, living on stimmies (CDBCs), and doing what you’re told.  By independently wealthy, I mean not reliant on single external entities, and especially not on government entitlements. If you live in a trailer on a plot of land that you own free and clear and have a viable niche in your community, you’re independent. You’re in better shape than the mid-level investment banker whose bonus is $750K but he’s several million in debt over and above his assets.”

(4) “Satanism: it’s about a theorized class of spiritual predators he called Luciferians. In later chapters, Satanists are almost dismissed as cartoonish, lower order predators. They would be shunned by truly elite Luciferians. “Distant cousins”, at best.  Where Satanists pursue unrestrained ego and impulse gratification, Luciferians play the longest game of them all, and seek to attain Godhood itself. Pure power.”

“John Maynard Keynes, from whose work the modern economic system is derived, was a Marxist. 

The super-wealthy 0.1% of the 1% who coagulate into supra-national policy organizations are Malthusians.  The core premise driving their ideology is a radical reductionist materialism.”

(1)“Reductive materialism (Identity theory) claims that there is no independent, autonomous level of phenomena in the world that would correspond to the level of conscious mental states. It also states that the level of conscious phenomena is identical with some level of purely neurological description. Conscious phenomena are nothing over and above the neural level, thus it can be reduced to that level.”

(2)“transhumanism as a kind of religion, and deemed it one of the four ideological pillars of techno-utopianism (the other three being: AI, technocracy and fully automated luxury communism)

(3)I concluded that techno-utopianism was ultimately a Luciferian construct. Not necessarily literally Lucifer, but that the aspiration to “usurp God” was Luciferian in character

(11)When we seek to shape the world through technocracy – not to mention reality itself through transhumanism and AI – we are pursuing a uniquely eschatological event known as “The Singularity”: a point in time when our technology becomes the base layer of reality.”

(22)When you consider the positioning and branding of the WEF, with their certitude and paternalism, it all makes a lot more sense when viewed  as a cult instead of a cabal.”

(17)Luciferian metaphysics is predation.  “reality is layered from the physical to the spiritual. Pure power thrums only in the higher reaches of the spiritual domains. The higher dominates the lower. Spirit determines matter, not the reverse… Elitism is of the essence here; only powerful spiritual adepts and Luciferian masters deserve to occupy the higher realms and to enjoy the the benefits found only there.”

(14) If we replace all instances of “spiritual” in the above passage with “intellectual”, then we have an accurate model for the ideological framework of “Davos Man”, because the entire elite ontology (or what passes for it) rests upon radical material reductionism.  And materialism, at its core, is pure nihilism.  There is no spirit. We have no souls. There is only matter, and lower humans are merely “hackable animals”.”

(23)Participants in a cabal will abandon it the moment it ceases to serve their interests… but cultists will double-down. They will burn themselves alive and eat their children. They are ideological berserkers.”

(18)A pendulum is self-perpetuating with a single imperative: to draw as much energy into itself as possible. More importantly, it is agnostic about the energy charge – it doesn’t matter if people are in harmony with the pendulum or opposed to it. Both poles create the energy that the pendulum craves.”

(19)Pure materialism. Pure reductionism. Pure Harari.  Steiner warns that: “The consciousness of those human beings whom I have called devourers of soul and spirit is in a condition of dimness…; for by not accepting the spiritual into their human nature, they drive straight into the Luciferic stream everything they introduce … What men eat and drink without spirituality goes straight to Lucifer!” Here Steiner is talking about spiritual predation and warning those who think they’re the predators, are actually the prey for the egregores they serve.

(20)The Party at Davos is under the impression that they are the vanguard of neo-Darwinist evolution – when it’s looking instead like they are functionaries of a larger morphic field that is distinctly Luciferian or Ahrimanic in character. This field encapsulates transhumanism, techno-Marxism, technocracy and social credit.”


I highly recommend a visit to this site for insight into the deadly serious game self-consciousness is engage in these days through modern civilization.  Below is a comment I left there.

There appears to be a fractal force within reality which is cyclic.  The Maya dug into this phenomenon deeply and offer wisdom on the process.  J.J. Montagnier in his thought-provoking work elaborates on this ancient wisdom of the stars and nature.  The Mayan calendars offer insight to the cyclic influence to man and his organizations.  This is worth reflecting on because it appears humanity is near a point of departure.

Carl Schmidt said “A society built exclusively on progressive technology would thus be nothing but revolutionary; but it would soon destroy itself and its technology.”  Alan Watts said “Someone or something beyond conscious control must overthrow the Devil at the right moment, for, being an archangel he can read thoughts and is always aware of the intention that precedes the act. He can be defeated only by an act without prior intent. “let not your left hand know what your right hand doeth.” Now in Christian terminology this “someone or something beyond conscious control” is called the grace of God, and grace is held to be the only means of overcoming the machinations of the Devil, that is, of the vicious circle into which self-consciousness can lead us.”  This is, put simply, being natural.  Let go of fear which drives man to control his environment.  Fearing fear somehow leads to the attempted mechanization of the very beat heart of life.

The cyclic expresses determinism and free manifested in play for only nature can enjoy itself and overcome.  In an ascending level of abstraction naked intelligence embraces itself in self love only to die and be reborn in connection to the sacred.  Aldous Huxley said “For the radical and permanent transformation of personality only one effective method has been discovered –that of the mystics.” Mysticism is the only means to live this process but mysticism is itself cyclic so one can’t remain awakened nor can one remain in the self-reflected ego.  Civilization in abstraction has its own fractal expression of this mystic cycle.  It appears the end of the process is the age of the machine which is the age of death.  Currently one can imagine we are at that very furthest point of paralysis that comes with mechanization when the machine runs away with itself.

I am a naturalist based upon the connectivity of the Native American with oral culture and the real science of living.  I am a mystic with our vast spirituality of consciousness respecting comparative thought.  I am an enjoyer of Taoism because its deepness is beyond me.  I seek to emulate the natural process that governs man.  Be natural and nature will support you.  Unfortunately, man is now mostly urban and organized.  Nature is to be controlled and manipulated in the service of intelligence.  Some how this is nature and its process because exceptionalism does not apply to nature except within nature.  Man is just an expression of this process.

The rebirth will likely be post civilization because like the mechanization of intelligence, civilization will destroy itself.  Abstractions aside, we the individual go on living among the dinosaurs of these abstractions with needs of the flesh.  If awakened and transformed then humility and acceptance call on one to build a life boat and embrace a disposition of palliative care.  The denial of death is difficult until the journey is embraced.  It is then we can embrace the cyclic and live.  This results in optimistic pessimism of living the journey and dying a good death.

Trend Inversion

When I write these things, I am in many ways writing to myself.  I am struggling to maintain what I have and still feel like I am growing and being productive.  I am doing this as I age with my mental and physical vigor waning over time.  One benefit of old age is an increase in wisdom which comes naturally from a long life of experience but just as importantly living the reality of less from aging.  Learning to do less and still feal good about your efforts is an important aspect of this wisdom of aging.  In some ways what the global civilization is facing is old age but with the failure typical of those who want to remain young.  Either they look like crap from not living their age or they live beyond their means with lifestyles that do not reflect their reality of their old age.

I have highlighted parts of the above article to reflect on in regards to trend inversion of civilization and the planet.  This on all levels inversion is so critical to understand if you desire a best practices lifestyle to negotiate the coming decline and failure of our global civilization.

“It’s further assumed that these secular trends are always positive – each recovery exceeds the preceding recession, and each market rebound more than cancels out the latest dip.  This latter assumption has reached the point of invalidation. What economies and markets are now experiencing is trend-inflexion. Cyclicality may indeed continue but, from here on, it will do so around downwards-inflected trends. This process of reversal can only be managed if it is recognized.”

My last post I titled inflection so this post from surplus energy economics dot com caught my attention.  This is an excellent post I urge you to read in full.  I have taken some notes and would like to offer my REAL Green interpretations.  I am speaking to people who can change, who have the funds, time, and education.  Many have some of these vital elements of adaptation.   Many have none and are trapped without options.  This adaptation is needed to negotiate a decline in energy and economics that will alter daily life from now on.  This is why I call this trend inversion and we are at the trend inflection of the tipping over into decline. 

This “trend-inflection” in a systematic sense means the centuries of exceptional material growth has shifted.  We are at the peak now so this shift is disguised with a growth and decline interaction.  The narrative disguises this inflection with techno optimism propaganda.  Energy, economics, and technological innovation are now tilted into a trajectory of decline.  At some point far off in the future a stasis will be found where the compression of affluence will stabilize and possibly inflect towards growth again.  This will likely be generations hence and the growth will not be the growth we see today.  This will be a vastly different world for generations unborn.

The key to this trend inflection of our existential condition is this will not be the same everywhere.   This decline will likely be a stairstep down much like we see with financial markets.   Complete failure is not out of the question.  If you have the right stuff then make sure and find a good location and lifestyle to attempt constructive growth.  This will not be like the great depression of the 30s where within a few years growth returns.  For some places decline will come later than others.  It is still unclear how quickly this decline will occur and the degree and duration.  This is a complex self-organizing system with many unknowns.  We will know it in the review mirror.  Honest science says we are in the vicinity of a noticeable downward inflection.

The forces of the technocratic globalist and their social and technological policy pursuits are going to take us into a sharp down turn much quicker.  This will be dirtier and more painful then to just leave things as they were.  What is needed is decentralization not centralization.  Technocracy is a centralization with knowledge and tech.   What is needed is less tech not more.  This is a dramatic contrast between what is needed and the policies of globalist technocrats of the World Economic Forum.  This proposed system is evil in the sense of being anti-life and pro-machine.  The machine has no conscience or soul.  Here I speak of soul as a life force.  This system wants to merge man with the machine because a conscience and a soul inhibits efficiency and control.

REAL Green is about green prepping.  What is green is more prepped.  This is about homesteading and permaculture in a hybridization of the old ways with modern things and knowledge. This hybridization turbo charges the old ways.  Simple and appropriate tech boosted with modern value allows these old ways to survive the modern tendency to cancel inefficient activities with cost constraints.   This hybridization will lose strength along with the trend-inversion.  This is because as net energy and economics decline an accelerated compression will occur that will wring out beneficial technologies and quality products useful in this hybridization.  Production and knowledge storage will decay over time as the compression of affluence accelerates.  This hybridization has the most important now in the inflection where growth is entering decline.  Build up and collect what you can now in your lifeboat on the sea of destructive change.  This unavailability means salvage is vital.  Salvage will extend this hybridization process.

Triage is part of this hybridization process because it is required to remove poor value items and practices. Get out of activities with no future.  Stop buying things that offer no value in a future of less.  Many of these lifestyles and products will be like stranded assets that represent significant investment in something that fails to produce.  Start now ridding your lifeboat of dead wood.  Clean and organize your life around the trend inversion.  This will make room for important activities and things needed.  It will free up time and resources for what is important.

What you want to do is get ahead of the curve so to speak.  Here “head of the curve” is get ahead of societies decline of affluence.  Make solid purchases of value with goods.  Accumulate knowledge that will matter on this inversion to less affluence.  This means an altered vision of saving.  Saving in a financial and monetary sense must be adapted.  Instead of thinking of retirement think of saving for a societal retirement party.  Money and things of monetary value like precious metals are there to address the world that will continue.  There may be a debt jubilee but it won’t be how we expect it to be.  I would not call it a jubilee but instead a wake.  In the meantime, the world will attempt to continue as it has this means a strategic effort with tactical focus.  You will still have bills to pay and will need paper wealth.  Yet, increasingly real value will be recognized with proper physical assets.  At some point 401Ks will have much lower value.  Being able to feed and keep your home warm much more important.

I would also advise being a consumer as needed to outfit your lifeboat.  I am green and I feel a guilt of sorts by buying.  Yet, I realized the age of consumerism is quickly closing so now is the time to buy and buy right.  This guilt is the realization just how trapped I am in affluence.  Consumerism harms nature and this bothers me when I buy.  My higher power includes nature. Our mother and our earth should be included in a spirituality. 

REAL Green is realistic, relative, and accepting.  The trend of civilization is inverting but society is continuing as before the inversion so you must be flexible in mind and actions.   You are trapped in a global civilization of path dependencies, carbon energy, carbon products, and the resulting waste streams.   You must consider this your ecosystem.  Realistically adapt to the decline of this self-organizing process.  Relatively change per the trend inversion.  Accept this destructive change as the new reality.  Awareness is the essential component of an awakening.  An awakening is necessary for transformation.  There is no transcendence.  The trap is complete for all but those transformed are better prepared for what is ahead.

I often speak of spiritual permaculture.  What I mean by this is an adapted spirituality for this trend inversion.  Your spiritualism adapted for the metaphysical realities of this trend inversion of the human system can be the one bright spot for constructive change where growth is possible.  Spiritual affluence is the goal of spiritual permaculture of renewal and enrichment.  A mystical awareness of life as a journey in the eternal now adapts our linear lives of destination.  An adapted spiritualism in this trend inversion is about a life boat and a journey.  It is a journey of enlightenment with a life of adaptation.

Spiritual permaculture is the hospice of this trend inversion.  It is the acceptance of decline which is a death of sorts.  When you understand what decline means systematically then you will accept that in your life you will experience material Loss.  Abandonment, dysfunction, and irrational will permeate life where in the past it was progress.  Keep in mind even in chaos there is a pattern so what this REAL Green hospice is about is strengthening your spiritual armor for the loss process.  This means embracing the reality and the nature of abandonment, dysfunction, and the irrational.  The proper way to address this is decentralization, decoupling, and dematerialization.  Lower your exposure to the coming failures of progress.

Spiritually this is about accepting fear but not fearing fear.  This is grace not a refuge.  Grace is about allowing your heat to beat on its own.   Living this time of trend inversion is living in a new reality of decline and loss with acceptance.  Acceptance is the prerequisite of humility.  Humility is connecting with the sacred.  We can’t know the truth but we can get closer to it.  In this respect then embracing decline is a truth pathway.

“The consequences of trend inflexion are readily summarized. On an ex-inflation basis, economic output will deteriorate, whilst the real costs of necessities will carry on rising, even if there are some retreats from the severe spikes experienced in recent times.  The resulting process of affordability compression will drive contraction in discretionary (non-essential) activities. It will also undermine financial flows from households to the corporate and financial sectors. We can anticipate a rolling process of investment contraction, business failures, defaults and rising unemployment.”

This is an excellent basic explanation for the global economy ahead.  Keep in mind energy and economy are inextricably linked.  Energy resources can’t be booked as reserves unless an economy can take energy resources and create a surplus.  Energy sources that can’t create a surplus will not support an economy.  This reality is true with technology too since we are in the age of the technocratic globalism that often talks about technological innovation.  This innovation is bumping up to diminishing returns of effectiveness but more worryingly is now creating more problems than it solves.  Technology can’t endlessly offer substitution for the basics of energy and a properly functioning economy.  In fact, technology is what got us into this predicament.

What got us to this point is a departure from proper scale which has destroyed the human balance with the planet and its life system.  Without proper balance with the greater ecosystem there is no renewal or enrichment.  Without these necessary ingredients human civilization is a sink sucking in energy and resources and converting them into middens of waste.  Eventually necessary resources are consumed and waste streams overwhelm the local environment.  Eventually too there is no place to migrate to for virgin resources.  This is where we are at now.  A global world at the end of the road.

I personally think it is man in the more primitive state of seminomadic hunter gatherer with primitive agriculture that is humans at their optimum.  Here optimum is in a state of proper scale and balance.  What good is all our knowledge and tech when it will kill us?  I will also say since we are natural then what man has done is also natural so in a sense, we can’t be judgmental of the destruction we have wrought on the planet and life.  This is somehow what life does as it self-reflects with ever increasing intelligence.  This duality of life that is a factual of entropy and non-entropy is somehow an expression.  Grace is when we stop reflecting on this and just live.

“Transition to renewables is not just possible, but imperative. The economy, no less than the environment, is at grave and worsening risk unless this happens. Sustainability is a worthy goal, and there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be an attainable one.  Where this logic breaks down is at the point at which transition is spun, not as sustainability, but as “sustainable growth”…renewables cannot match the energy density of oil, gas and coal. As a result, a transition to renewables will truncate the process of diffusion which is central to the dissipative landfill economic system.  The characteristic of lesser density shows up right across the application of renewables. Despite widespread assurances to the contrary, the processes of renewables generation cannot be transformed by technological advances, because the potential of technology is bounded by the laws of physics.  The potential efficiency of solar energy is determined by the Shockley-Queisser Limit, with Betz’ Law doing the same for wind power, and best practice is already close to these physical maxima. Intermittency is part of the low-density character of renewables, and no advance in technology is going to enable batteries to match the power-to-weight ratio of the humble fuel tank.”

I have been studying energy for years starting with peak oil issues in 2000.  I actually took some classes in college in the mid 80’s on climate change and peak oil long before thy were mainstream.  I have been on blogs arguing deeper points for a decade.  I have dug through the liberal technocratic globalist narrative.  Initially I had some hope for a green machine transition with sustainable growth but that evaporated when reality testing was applied.  The machine will not save us only wisdom will.

I have solar with batteries and I love my system.  I am a green prepper.  Having solar is vital to keep some lights on and your food cold in a grid down situation.  In the meantime while everything works fine I use the system to offset my electricity cost.  In the winter I can run my outdoor wood gasifier with solar.  In the summer I can run my mini-split ac with solar.  I run my 2 refrigerators and 2 freezers with solar all the time.  A prepper must maintain a good store of food for disruptions.  I have 3600 watts of panels and two 48-volt lithium phosphate 10KWH batteries with inverter.  I use transfer switches so I can run the house on grid power and target certain circuits with solar.  This is a hybrid system.  I offset about 1/3 of my electrical usage which helps offset the cost of a $30,000 system.  It does not pay for itself until you consider the prepping qualities. 

This is how society should look at renewables not green new deal of an energy paradigm shift.  All homes should be backed up with renewables in some way either like I have or with communities that have a system.  I know renewables pencil out best in large solar or wind farms attached to the main grid but this does not pencil out after the point where intermittency destabilizes the gid.  These large power farms will be stranded assets in a grid down situation.  In a distributed system of small systems, a grid down situation is when they will show true value.  It is in these situations’ intermittency can be dealt with.

 People with panels on their roofs but tied to the grid will have nothing when the grid goes down.  The application should be like I do with individuals and small communities finding ways to incorporate renewables into a hybrid system where small scale solar and wind can be applied to various applications to offset main grid usage and if there is a grid failure offer lights and cooling for food to a community.  The same principal needs to be applied to space heating with hybrid systems.  Instead, it is being advertised a green machine transition will give us what we have now with renewables.  This is a lie! 

Transition to renewables is vital but here renewables is more than just high tech of solar and wind.  Renewables more broadly are biomass, thermal storage and insulation strategies.  Conservation must be included.  Ideally solar and wind would be applied at a more decoupled local level where intermittency can be embraced.  Lifestyles would become increasing localized.  Energy lifestyles greatly reduced.  The translation is affluence would be greatly reduced.  This is the inconvenient reality of transition that no political entities want to discuss because the public won’t hear it.  The public is being educated that progress will continue but it won’t.  The system is trapped in path dependencies of energy on demand.  Carbon energy is a trap where a system so complex as ours can’t downsize away from carbon.   Yet, carbon energy of fossil fuels is in net energy decline.  This is a predicament and one the individual can adapt to but society never will because it will end society as we know it.

This transition is a stair step because once technology is faced with net energy decline and importantly economic velocity reductions, technology will suffer decline.  Over the last century it has been technology that has been employed to substitute limits of resources.  Technology is approaching diminishing returns where its benefits are being outweighed by its problems.  In fact, technology is an unstoppable destructive force because it can’t be controlled in its effort for more efficiency and power.  There will come a point in transition to more simplicity, localism, and lower energy intensity the economy will not support the type of technologies available today.  This means the transition is a journey to a world of less energy intensity, technological complexity, and economic vigor.

The current narrative of the machine greens is one of sustainable growth.  This is just not going to be the case.  Systematically you can’t expect to use lower energy intensity and expect the economy to grow.  You can’t expect lower energy intensity and lower economic activity to support and expand technological vigor.  The best we can hope for is managed decline.  The worst is cascading decline.   The current policies of the technocratic globalist will lead to cascading decline because centralization is the wrong approach.  The globalist green transition of sustainable growth is a religion for these people.  Science is being politicized and this is being merged with authoritarianism with the goal being a controlled transition where a few stakeholders of elites in politics and business control the masses.  This not honest science it is instead a hijacking.

The transition that is being proposed is too expensive, there are not enough resources, and the technology is not sound.  There are no good storage strategies.  The technological supply line too complex.  The grid too unstable at the complexities needed.  Lifestyles are not going to be adapted properly.  The elites want to continue their moral hazard of private jets and plutocratic lifestyles.  Their chosen group will likewise be rewarded with enhanced lifestyles.  This is basically wealth transfer from the middle class and working poor to a narrow band of elites.  This wealth transfer is being done with the color revolution technics of work identity politics of cancel culture and fake virtue signaling.  This is the same old worn out Marxism of power attainment through lying, stealing and cheating.  

This green “machine” transition does not add up with the science, economically, socially, and politically.  It is a power play by the elites to maintain their power, wealth and privilege.  It is an elite hijacking.  It is also an elite merger where elites across the spectrum are being told join us or we will leave you behind.  This proposed system of the great reset is now in the open.  It is also clear to those that study it what closely.  Its intensions are clear and precise.  These plutocratic elites have finally shown their cards.  They can’t call you a conspiracist anymore if you speak out about what they are doing.

If you see machine green transition for what it is then you see it is a failure on all fronts with the science, economics, politics, and social stability.  This is important because a failure on just one aspect is enough to derail a transition.  When the failure is on all front then you see this is will be a reckless, incompetent, and nefarious effort to transform the world at a time when stability should be pursued.  This stability would be mitigated decline.  Decline of a self-organizing system can’t really be managed proactively it can only be reacted to.  A small number of proactive efforts can be attempted like education and fortification of basic human needs but for the most part it will be reaction to events.  An urban world that will be downsized relatively quickly without the resources in the rural areas to accept so many people will be a bottleneck.  This is honest science and the elites can’t have any of it so they preach a religion of machine green.

Here is the authors conclusion which dovetails with mine:

“Since the same unit of energy cannot be used twice, the question becomes one of what other energy uses are going to be relinquished to make this energy available for transition. We could, in theory, drive less, fly less, consume less and consign less to landfill, but there, is as yet, no acceptance of a need to do any of this.  None of the foregoing should be read as skepticism about the transition to renewables. There are compelling environmental and economic imperatives for committing maximum effort to transition, and there is no reason in principle why sustainability should not be accomplished.  An essential first step might be to drop, or at least water down, claims that transition can provide affordable growth, because this isn’t possible where the concentration of energy inputs is decreasing…At the same time, the real costs of energy-intensive necessities are rising. The net effect is affordability compression. This, as remarked earlier, has two principal consequences. First, the ability of consumers to afford discretionary products and services is in retreat, and cannot be expected to return to growth.  Second, we should be prepared for contraction in the streams of income which flow from households to the corporate and financial sectors. Put colloquially, people will find it ever harder to ‘keep up the payments’ on everything from mortgages and credit to subscriptions and staged-payment purchases.”


I am presenting you with several viewpoints of what I consider our current place in the cyclic.  This place is at a point of inflection.  The point of inflection is where a concave turns convex.  In the cyclic of growth and decline this is the point of phase change.  This point of inflection is now characterized by a convergence of diminishing value of technology, energy, economics, and human centralization. 

I am speaking to you the individual.  You are locked into this convergence and inflection because of the macro world you live and depend on.  This macro world of human progress is determined in a systematic self-organization.  This world is now a system characterized by the rigidity of path dependency and a common denominator of carbon.  In other words, the system can only operate as it did, change is not possible.  Nothing at a large scale can happen without carbon-based energy. 

Carbon-based energy is in net energy decline.  This is geologic and economic making it impervious to a continuation of normal.  Obviously, renewables are dead in the water if you have done the deep research.  Their basis is carbon so there is no way to replace carbon with something based on carbon.  A KW is not a KW in this case.  What this means is change is not possible and a continuation of status quo is in the process of winding down.  The status quo can’t wind down because of its path dependencies of expansion.  This is why I call this the inflection.

Deviation is not an option for this self-organizing system.  Deviation means collapse but so does continuation.  This is what civilizations do and always have done once there expansion grinds to a halt.  The difference now is this is a global civilization.  It is empire of a global elite.  These global elites have no interest in adapting to phase change.  They are engaged in the moral hazard of private enhancement at the expense of the public’s welfare.  They are doubling down on policies of centralization that benefit them at the expanse of the masses.  Decentralization is what is required.  Deconstruction, dematerialization, and decoupling are the right polices now for inflection.  The developing systematic forces demand this so what you will have is a point where multiple aspects of human and planetary systems shift to a new state.

The time frame is uncertain and really cannot be known.  What can be known and is plain as day to those honest and awakened is the trend.  This may occur over a longer time period.  Sudden collapse is of course increasingly possible.  I would say this decline will be both short term and long term.  The unfolding will be macro and micro.  What we are seeing is planetary with ecosystems and systems being human forced.  There is the decline of the global civilization influence by the planetary system but also declining from within with economic, Social and political issues.  It is this forcing, converging, and negative reinforcement that makes the coming shift so dramatic.  Compression and overshoot are building meaning thresholds are being tested and increasingly crossed.  

How you approach this convergence and inflection is critical.  A diminishing point of value is when decline sets in to your life’s efforts.  Value here can be defined physically with normal metrics of prosperity and comfort.  On the metaphysical level it is truth and meaning.  Increasingly you will feel poorer but also a spiritual meaninglessness of it all.  This spirtuality is not your religion.  I am pointing to the abstract of meaning you feel when you reflect on life.  You may turn to religion to fill this but this is a reaction to a underlying reality in flux. 

This inflection of value is directly related to macro conditions.  You are a cog in the machine so you have no choice but to be part of this process.  The critical element here for you the individual, family, and small community is because this is a type of ecosystem then within this process value growth is possible.  The reason for this is when a complex system declines niches are freed up.  If you accept decline and embrace its forces then you will by nature make better decisions based on the system’s trend.

Spiritual growth is in a different dimension from the physical but they are by no means unrelated.  They revolve around each other and it is the proper scale that leads to the balance of the two.  In times of growth and decline scale and balance are altered.  Spirituality is set to go through an inflection to a growing of value from a period where it was all but destroyed by the religion of science commonly called scientism.  Dramatic materialistic living resulting from scientism has reduced spirituality to novelty.  All religions have been infected by scientism.  Religion today is a business and must operate as organizations.  Organization must follow the status quo of rule of law and best practices.  These have been infected with corruption so all religions are subject to this corruption.

In this case, I speak of spirituality in its raw form divorced from man’s intelligence.  This spirituality that permeates all and derived from the sacred will be the inverse to our physical decline.  Materialism will decline and with it an opening up of spirituality will result.  When you uncover our naked souls by removing all the distractions we burden ourselves with, spirituality naturally fills the void.  Science became supreme in the age of globalism.  It became a religion and prosperity the sacrament.  In doing so a great distortion of truth and meaning occurred.  Now that science’s value declines spirituality will fill in the vacuum.  Truth and meaning will result to those who are awakened then transformed.

This value growth of you the individual within overall decline does not mean necessarily more value.  Instead, this value growth within decline points to less decline relatively.  You will be on the right track and suffer less.  Suffering will be the theme of this coming bottleneck.  It is the acceptance of this budding bottleneck and the embrace of proper lifestyle for decline that can mitigate the worst of what is ahead.  Yet, there are no refuges from suffering even for those who are enlightened and engaged.  This is a global event but with some places and people experiencing less suffering.  The science is available to know where the worst could happen.  We also know there are things we are unable to know.  Yet, there are unknown unknowns that are unique to this time in the history of the planet that is a global human population in overshoot of both consumption and population.

I recommend you embrace decline and in doing so you avoid fighting the systematic current of decline that is the phase change of the cyclic.  This is a retreat in force or a flexible retreat.  Pick your battles and invest wisely.  Wisdom of what value to embrace and what to avoid is critical.  Spiritually, avoid fearing fear.   This is the debilitating effects of anxiety and paralysis in the face of fear.  You will experience this regardless but being aware of this condition immediately relieves some of the negative effects.  Loss from decline is a fearful experience.  There is no sugar coating this to sanitize the consequences for all.  If you accept that loss is ahead then there is no switching of efforts which involves changing course.  Instead, you are going with the flow and the flow will support you by allowing better decisions.  Your efforts to slow the decline will be more natural.

REAL Green is a focus on green prepping.  It is a spirituality of proper wisdom and involves the science of being prepared.  The science focuses on homesteading and permaculture.  The spirituality focuses on acceptance and humility for a process of decline that is planetary and within our global civilization.  This is the science and spirituality of lifeboats and hospices.  A monastery of art and literature is used to assemble needed knowhow and wisdom for the journey.  This is a journey.  Death is the destination but a good death.

REAL Green seeks localism with community.  Since the world is delocalized and increasingly urbanized REAL Green is for just a few.   Despite this handicap of delocalization, you should know a best practice that is the proper way to embrace decline even if you are trapped.   This delocalization is physical but also spiritual.  Modern life has isolated people from family and friends.  Local community has been all but destroyed as it once was.  We have lost meaning and no longer have comfort in a feeling that we are following the truth.  Even the most devout are constantly bombarded with alternatives to what gives them meaning.  This is the nature of the out of control progress of science and development that is increasingly creating more problems than are being solved.  Science and materialism are now the problem instead of the tools to solve problems.

If you want to be a leader and if you have the right stuff then REAL Green is a path forward.  You will need resources.  You will need education.  Most of all you will need time.  Since we are at or near the non-liner of when this inflection shifts occurs, time is speeding up.  The point of diminishing value is now entering negative value of problem solving being the problem.  This speeding up is as much about compression as tempo.  This compression is the approach to a nonlinear increase at which point the shift occurs.  Once shifted your environment will be beyond normal efforts to adapt.  It will then be characterized by the luck of being in the right place at the right time.  This is the nature of a bottleneck.  Proper orientation now before the shift happens is critical.  It appears there is still time to adapt.  Delocalization has dispersed risk to all locals but the same delocalization that is so destructive also has benefits.   of Globalization means there are still lots of resources available to rebuild localism.

Positioning now while you still can is a keystone first step.  Find the right place but also change your lifestyle to reflect this process.  Update your spiritualism of a higher power and meaning with the paradigm of destructive change.  This message is for leadership and for those with the right stuff.  It is no use for the 90% who do not understand or don’t have the right stuff.  For the people who do not understand or are trapped in circumstances, their hopes are for a leader among them to guide and assist.  This longing for a real leader will be more pronounced as difficult times deepen.   How dramatic but also the duration is a key element of this time of inflection.  It is the interaction of degree and duration that can be managed in some ways to make things less bad.  A longer duration can be mitigated with tools lowering degree.  A forceful degree can be made shorter so a bounce back is possible.  First acceptance and humility are required to begin to engage these forces of decline.  This is where spirituality takes front and center.

Please review the referenced works for viewpoints on decline.

 Carl Schmitt one said “A society built exclusively on progressive technology would thus be nothing but revolutionary; but it would soon destroy itself and its technology.”

“Inflection point.  In differential calculus and differential geometry, an inflection point, point of inflection, flex, or inflection is a point on a smooth plane curve at which the curvature changes sign. In particular, in the case of the graph of a function, it is a point where the function changes from being concave to convex, or vice versa. Wikipedia

“This theoretical essay argues that the development of so-called ‘smart innovations’ is based on the monotonous application of seven standardized principles: electrification, digitalization, webification, datafication, personalization, actuation, and marketization. When a new smart innovation appears, what has typically occurred was the implementation of these principles to an object or process that, until that moment, had managed to remain unscathed by the smart innovation monoculture. As reactions to this dominant logic, ten major critical arguments against smart innovations have emerged in the academic literature: smart innovations are considered to be superseding, unhealthy, subordinating, exploitative, manipulative, addictive, fragile, colonial, labyrinthine, and both ecologically and socially unsustainable.”

Ferreira, António. “Seven Principles and Ten Criticisms: Towards a Charter for the Analysis, Transformation and Contestation of Smart Innovations.” Sustainability 14.19 (2022): 12713.

“The Seven Immutable Principles of Smartness”

“electrification, digitalization, webification, datafication, personalization, actuation, and marketization”

“The implementation of smart innovations, whatever they might be, depends on a set of sequential principles. These principles can be considered the DNA of smartness, as currently understood in the dominant technological, academic, and political circles.”

“The first principle is electrification: the conversion of things (whatever they might be; for example, toothbrushes, watches, kitchen appliances, motorized vehicles, factory machines, governance practices, public participation processes, etc.) that were hitherto powered by physical or intellectual labor, fossil fuels, or any other form of energy into things powered by electricity.”

“Electrification is a basic prerequisite for the second principle to be implemented, that of digitalization. In contrast to analogue technologies (such as old radios, but also mercury thermometers), smart technologies (e.g., 5G mobile phones) convert and provide information through the use of computational units. This means that the sound produced by an old radio is a direct acoustic manifestation of the radio waves received by the radio device, similarly to how the level of mercury inside a thermometer is determined by the extent to which the mercury expands or contracts inside its glass tube as the temperature varies. This also means that while some analogue technologies depend on electricity to work (e.g., old radios), some of these technologies are independent from any electricity source (e.g., mercury thermometers). Conversely, smart technologies always need electric power to work because they rely on digital processors to compute data. For example, the sound produced by a smart phone is the result of a networked computing process, which converts acoustic waves into quantified data streams that have to be analyzed by the smart phone processor so that the data can be converted back into sound. All these computational procedures consume electric energy and require electric components to be performed.”

“The third principle of smart technologies is webification. This can be defined as the process of incrementally creating the IoT, that is, a pervasive system capable of emitting and receiving in real time multiple streams of data from multiple interconnected devices, preferably using wireless connections. Without webification, the fourth principle, that of datafication, cannot be implemented.”

“With datafication, it is meant that when a given technology is used, the technology will not only produce and/or use digital data so that it can work in the way it is supposed to, but it will also have the means to store such data. There are two options for storing data: in the device itself (which grants limited possibilities for data use and is therefore discouraged) and in centralized data centers (that is, in the memory of super computers) where the data of multiple devices and from multiple users is compounded into an increasingly larger dataset. This grants a much higher number of possibilities for data usage and exploitation than when the data is exclusively stored in each device, and in particular when multiple datasets are combined into big datasets. Questions such as who did what, when, how, with whom, and at what time are becoming absolutely key for the organization of these databases. This takes us to the next principle: personalization.”

“By personalization, it is meant that smart technologies tend to work only after the user provides a personalized username and password or—in more advanced cases—after the identity of the user is determined through some biometric reading. After the identity of the user has been identified, the technology will produce data that will include a reference to inform who the user was when the data was produced. The large datasets that are typically compiled as a result of smart technology utilization can be, and are typically, applied to build a very precise profile for each user. With this, individuals are converted into data streams in the same way that smart technologies are also converted into data streams. Another feature of personalization is that each smart technology adapts itself to meet the needs and aspirations of each user—sometimes with the (either explicit or implicit) goal of changing his or her perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors. This takes us to the next principle: that of actuation.”

“Smart technologies follow the principle of actuation to different degrees. At the highest degrees, actuation is achieved through complete automation or quasi-automation of smart technologies. When full automation is deployed, these technologies become active in either forcing selected individuals to behave in given ways, or in replacing their work and/or presence completely. For example, consider a fully automated vehicle that will compulsorily replace the human driver, as there will neither be driving controls inside the cabin nor the option to turn off the automated driving functions. At the lowest degrees, actuation is achieved by means of nudging selected users to perceive certain things instead of others, or to behave in given ways.”

“The last of the seven principles is marketization. With marketization, it is meant that opportunities for capitalizing on smart technologies are actively explored at all times. Marketization can be achieved through selling, buying, and exploring both smart tech devices and data-related market opportunities; by means of delivering higher levels of personalization so that individuals become willing or are forced to pay for it; or by means of putting actuation at the service of profitable ends that serve the interests of individuals, organizations, or lobbies that can pay for such services—just to mention some obvious possibilities.”

“Deepening Vulnerability: As the human systems that enable societal functioning (the grid, supply chains, the financial system, telecommunications, behavioral coordination) become ever more globalised, complex, inter-dependent and high-speed, our vulnerability to largescale systemic failure is increasing. In particular modern societies – including Western Europe, Japan and the United States – could rapidly transition from the familiar functioning to crises undermining food security, access to water, sanitation, the function of the economy, public health, communications, emergency services, public order and governance. This transition period may last from weeks to a few years, depending on conditions. The initial trigger could be a major pandemic, a financial system collapse, a cyber-attack on critical infrastructure, a natural disaster, a protracted environmental catastrophe, a socio-political crisis, or some confluence of stresses and shocks. If the initial affected region or network is of sufficient scale, is critically connected, and preparedness is weak, recovery may become impossible and the impacted region/network may itself become a source of destabilizing global contagion. Such a breakdown would mean reliance on localised resources without most of the infrastructures and capacities currently taken for granted. There could be diverse outcomes – depending on natural, social and physical capital, the stresses from adjacent regions, and levels of prior preparedness.”

“the relationship between underlying economic output and the use of energy is linear.”

“de-coupling” the economy from the use of energy cannot happen.”

“if we consume less energy, the economy gets smaller”

“energy-intensive, non-essential economic activities will contract rapidly”

“It should never be forgotten – though it almost routinely is – that the potential capabilities of technology are limited by the laws of physics.  These are important points, because it’s all too easy to assume that the economy can transition, seamlessly, from fossil fuels to renewables. This mistaken assumption – and it’s no more than that – informs vast swathes of corporate, financial and government planning.”

“By 2040, global prosperity is projected to be 16% lower than it was in 2021.”

“If population numbers continue to rise, albeit at historically low rates, prosperity per capita could decrease by 27% between 2021 and 2040.  At no point since 1776 – not even during the Great Depression between the wars, which caused severe hardship, but was temporary – have we ever had to confront anything even remotely comparable.”

“None of this, of course, is yet incorporated into the futurity currently priced by the markets. But the unfolding deterioration in underlying economic conditions can be expected to compress the gap between financial expectation and material economic reality.”

“A best estimate is that total financial exposure stands at about 575% of World GDP, but 925% of global prosperity.  Perhaps the single most disturbing aspect of worsening imbalances is the extent of leverage embodied in the economy and the financial system.  As we have seen, a projected decrease of 8% in energy supply between now and 2040 produces a corresponding decrease in real global economic output. But rises in ECoEs leverage this into a 16% fall in aggregate prosperity.”

“This implies that prosperity per capita will be about 27% lower in 2040 than it was in 2021. But the cost of energy-intensive necessities will carry on rising markedly, in response to increases in ECoE. This is illustrated in Fig. 4C. This implies a near-50% fall in the affordability of discretionary (non-essential) products and services, even though top-line economic output is only projected to fall by 8%.”

“When we consider, for example, the affordability of mortgage payments, it’s clear that this affordability must be related, not to total household incomes, but to household disposable incomes, and much the same applies at macroeconomic level.  This is why, where the business and broader economic outlook is concerned, we have entered an affordability crisis. This has two implications.  First, and most obviously, consumers whose disposable resources are being compressed between falling incomes and the rising costs of necessities experience a leveraged reduction in what they can afford to spend on discretionary purchases.  Second, it becomes ever harder for households to sustain payments on everything from secured and unsecured credit to subscriptions and staged-payment purchases.”

“the outlook is for RRCI to trend downwards, though remaining above officially-acknowledged rates of broad inflation. Though the costs of essentials will continue to rise, we should anticipate severe and worsening deflation across the discretionary and ‘stream-of-income’ sectors of the economy.”

“there is no way for the quantity of goods and services produced to grow sufficiently to match the promises that the financial system has made. This is the real bottleneck that the world economy reaches.”

“affordability obstacles. The physics of the situation somehow causes the wages and wealth to be increasingly concentrated among the top 10% or 1%. Lower-paid individuals are increasingly left out. While goods are still produced, ever-fewer workers can afford more than basic necessities. Such a situation makes for unhappy workers.  World energy consumption per capita hit a peak in 2018”

“There is no possibility of ever transitioning to a system that operates only on intermittent electricity with the population that Europe has today, or that the world has today. Wind turbines and solar panels are built and maintained using fossil fuel energy. Transmission lines cannot be maintained using intermittent electricity alone.”

“families can move in together, fewer buildings in total will need to be heated. Cooking can perhaps be done for larger groups at a time, saving on fuel.”

“If families can home-school their children, this saves both the energy for transportation to school and the energy for heating the school. If families can keep younger children at home, instead of sending them to daycare, this saves energy, as well.”

“A major issue that I do not point out directly in this presentation is the high energy cost of supporting the elderly in the lifestyles to which they have become accustomed. One issue is the huge amount and cost of healthcare. Another is the cost of separate residences. These costs can be reduced if the elderly can be persuaded to move in with family members, as was done in the past. Pension programs worldwide are running into financial difficulty now, with interest rates rising. Countries with large elderly populations are likely to be especially affected.”

“In the previous chapter, it was posited that the declines of civilizations are cyclic and that they have more to do with the shifts of the ages (when the spirit of an age shifts) than with factors related to resource declines, environmental degradation, or climate change, although all those factors would play a significant role too.”

“On a personal level, humanity’s turning point could be understood as a return to Self. In Western terms, this would refer to the Jungian concept of Self (it’s not the ego-self), meaning an inward turning towards one’s own authentic personal center, in order to truly know thyself. (This was explored in some detail in an article titled The Keys to Conscious Co-Creation).  On a social and cultural level, a return to cultural traditions and community values could be expected to become more important again, while spirituality and religion are likely to make a comeback too.”

“From a metaphysical perspective, the energies of centralization and decentralization ‘flow’ in opposite directions to each other, but one is usually stronger than the other. Centralization is clearly still the current dominant directional energy flow.” 

“One type of logic, which would be to change direction and to decentralize, would then find itself contrary to a logic that would prefer to keep on centralizing. It’s worth reflecting on the fact that the universe itself ‘orders’ this scenario by way of expansion energetically turning into contraction, while duality is in a state of amplification at the same time.”

“An Age of Centralization  The world today is largely dominated by international perspectives due to the endurance of globalization. This has, over time, resulted in a high level of centralization; probably the highest achieved in history. As a result, it could be said that the entire globe today, more or less, constitutes an empire. This modern global empire has come about as a result of long-term globalization and globalism.”

“In the last chapter, it was mentioned that empires would tend to want to preserve their centralized format even when they are facing constraints to further expansion. Empires operate according to centralized mindsets that are set on expansionism based on a sense of manifest destiny. An empire state of mind is a state of consciousness that has its own drive. Empires typically do not change course, because they are set on a course.”

“Centralized thinking tends towards standardized thinking. That happens due to central demands for uniform compliance with standardized methods, because simplification is needed for managing everything from within a center out to its peripheries.  For the sake of simplification, centralization doesn’t want to be concerned with too many details. One can see then how centralized thinking has its own logic; thinking from the perspective of centralizing everything in order to manage and control everything better from a central position. Centralized thinking naturally leads to the logic and the logistics of centralization.”

“When centralized and standardized thinking are constantly emitted and promoted from within a center outwards to its entire sphere of influence, more or less across-the-board, uniform thinking could eventually result. Thinking for simplification; thinking for standardization and thinking for uniformity could become the norm. That could mean a loss of differentiation, a loss of inspiration and a loss of creativity, not to mention a decline in free thinking. Under such soul-stifling conditions, there would hardly seem to be any need for creative or inspired thought.”

“On the other hand, the greatest advantage of a decentralized system is that it is much more resilient overall. When one part of it fails, other parts can continue more or less unhindered. In a centralized system, if one part fails, it can destabilize the entire system.  For a system to be properly decentralized, it would need to be differentiated, decoupled, and diversified. It would also require innovative and creative thinking with the freedom of implementing innovative solutions independently and locally.  Most nations are still locked into a variety of international mechanisms that make it very difficult for them to take decentralized approaches in the face of global crises.”

“The implication, in a nutshell, is that for as long as the world remains so comprehensively globalized, truly decentralized solutions are, for the moment, somewhat limited. It is mainly possible only on a very small scale, meaning on the individual, family, or community level.  That said, in some quarters, it is believed that globalization has most likely already passed its peak [38], even though there is still a lot of momentum behind it. One could, therefore, suggest that what should be aimed for on a personal level – as far as thinking is concerned – is an urgent re-balancing of thought processes with an orientation towards finding localized solutions in anticipation of a changing paradigm.”

The Cult of Reason

The only honesty I can relate to is doom.  I visit an eclectic variety of sites.  I can’t find anything even remotely on track with reality through the whole process of discovery and conclusion except doom.  I do find within many articles some realization of the inconsistencies of the mainstream narratives.  This is on all sides.  Reality has this power over all persuasions.  There are many articles that will acknowledge the problems and even the problems with proposed solutions.  Yet, this is usually followed by prescriptions for solutions that are further inconsistencies.  Terminal is terminal.  A predicament is a predicament.  How much more to the point can one get?

This can only be likened to a collective terminal illness diagnosis.  Our global civilization is in the initial stage to find a cure that patients inevitably engage in.  There are so many collective illnesses that it bogles the mind.  What is more insidious is these many problems are converging and negatively reinforcing like a hurricane of consequences.  There is really nothing out there that is positive to have optimism in if you are honest.  The browns are set on pushing fossil fuels that are in net energy decline and the greens renewables and electric transport.  Both are a failure.

Fossil fuels have peaked in net energy.  Sure, there are plenty of them still around but the economics of finding and utilizing them are in rapid decline.  You can’t make uneconomic reserves into resources that produce results.  This is especially true with the economic engine in decline.   There are energy reasons for economic decline but also economic reasons.  Fossil fuels are really the only future for the non-future but they have no future.   The economy is a Ponzi scheme of growth on a finite planet so it can’t keep substitution going.  Finite means there is an end.

At a certain point technology won’t be affordable to keep them going.  Economics will fail and there will not be the wherewithal to produce expensive energy and run an economy.  This is a process but one with an inevitable end.  This is so simple but to those bargaining with this “failure is not an option” farce mentality, this simple wisdom is unattainable.

The Greens are the most delusional of our options.  I personally believe in green applications for prepping but as a paradigm of energy transition it is a complete failure.  The left is bat-shit crazy.  I won’t even bring up “woke” and ESG.  These policy forces are a criminal elite hijacking similar to color revolution technics of the CIA and CCP.  I am focusing on energy because it is non-denominational.  Energy is the basis of the food chain. 

Green is a huge detour and will destroy civilization even quicker.  Just witness what is going on in Europe.  Yet again, Europe will be the epicenter of a crushing decline.  This is mainly brought on by the globalist and their leftwing foot soldiers.  This point I make is coming from someone who grew up left of center with a conservative family.  Green hate is especially strong for people like me considered a traitor.

I am not going to go into the mechanics of failure.  I have multiple posts on conclusions and a road maps to the data.  There is just too much to discuss.  I am not a writer I am just an old guy dispensing wisdom.  I walk my talk as best I can.  I am a generalist and this is what is needed to understand the macro predicament of everything.  Specialization is the problem when it comes to wisdom.  I read the specialist but not as a specialist.  I make a round trip through all the data.  Really it takes a systematic approach as a generalist to see there is no hope for anything but decline and failure.

Then there is the majority of the population that is oblivious.  I do not say this in judgment.  I say this as someone who knows many of these people.  Many are not capable of critical thought because of age and or education.  Many are struggling just to survive.  I am talking about the rich too because increasingly even the rich will struggle to maintain their precarious lives.  I am most upset with the leadership these days who are exploiting the most vulnerable.  Tactics are being used to harness the masses for nefarious ends.  A civilizational civil war is now a reality.

Eventually, just like the individual, the terminal illness wins.  What is different with the collective is palliative efforts could make the coming decline less severe and more predictable.  I firmly believe you have to choose the least bad now at the level of politics.  This is the populist nationalist.  At least they are realizing the administrative state is now weaponized for the benefit of the elite.  Civilizations always end this way because power corrupts. 

The left is hell bent on their ends by any means.  This is Marxism and Marxism always fails.  It fails because power never usurps the truth except for a short time.  We are now in that period of that “short time”.  Things have speeded up so dramatically I suspect months are left for these criminals.  Eventually they will go the course of the Jacobin’s cult of reason and Reign of Terror.  In a complex global society this damage wrought will be incalculable.

Unfortunately, this damage will be done and the populist nationalist really don’t have the solutions either.  I do believe they offer a less bad approach.  Decentralization is critical now.  Globalism must be reversed with some management.  The globalist technocrats and their weaponized administrative state must be eliminated from leadership.  This means the elites must be stopped.  It is only the populist nationalist that can do this.

This does not leave a solution though.  This just leaves a better bad or less bad.  This blog is dedicated to green prepping of those individuals who can.  I don’t have anything to offer to those who don’t have what it takes.  I am too honest to tell you stories.  I will tell those who have the wherewithal that very few of you will succeed very long.  This mentality I speak of is more like the movie “Platoon” near the end when the commander calls in a strike on his own position because he is being overrun.  The logic behind this is at least his people are more or less dug-in.

The wisdom I give you now is to be honest and follows the truth.  If you can, get out of denial.  I am not going to judge those who can’t are won’t for the thousands of reasons for inaction.  Life will deal with you.  Life is going to deal with me too.  Even though I live a wisdom of insecurity I will still face the gauntlet.  What the wisdom of insecurity does though is gets you out of fearing fear.  You stop being tensed up with fear and start living with it.  The wisdom of insecurity is not even a state it is only a state of mind.  I reflect on it when I am tensing up in fear.  That’s all it is and that is acceptance.

This is why I preach about Hospices along with lifeboats.  If you are dying a terminal illness the best way to die is either oblivious or in acceptance.  Those who know what is going on need acceptance.  Those who are oblivious just don’t understand which is a default acceptance.  The worst is those who live in lies and self-deception.  This is hell on earth.

I am going to end this talk because I have said my peace.  I have given nothing new to enlighten you with.  I am just talking to you like a father talking to his sick child.  I am talking to myself too.  This is cathartic.  If there is one overriding message, I would say find community and especially find family.  This has always been where human strength is.

I am not posting much anymore because I have defined my doom over the last few years.  We are here now in that doom.  This is it.  This is the end time.  I don’t know what is ahead but this is it.  I will say this, the truth offers salvation to this predicament.  Embrace the truth which means a spirituality.  It does not mean rejecting science but instead a balancing of the two.  Good luck my friends, the few of you that read my rants.


The theory of parallel needs priming with these reads:

Mixing metaphysical with the physical trends of lower affluence.

System thought primer:

The climate hysteria of renewable fantasies of the left.

Net energy decline which is both geologic and economic:

I call my theory of saving the world parallel.  This is a theory of what if anything could be done to lessen the difficulties of adjusting to the end of globalism.  If you feel globalism will power through its problems with substitution and knowledge than this discussion is a waste of time.  If you feel uneasy about what is going on this discussion is worth a read. 

This global system has generated enormous wealth.  This civilization is now locked into the effects of this wealth production such that a transition to an alternative will be painful.  A look at how this winding down of an unsustainable system could be addressed is worthwhile. 

There are no plans I can find to deal with decline by declining.  We are stumbling into a system breakdown that has no example in history.  Civilizational collapse is well understood with historical accounts but no previous examples compare in size and extent.  The interconnectedness and the complete coverage of the entire planet is unique.

Months are now equivalent to years in this process.  Resources and production of goods and services should not be wasted at this late stage of globalism.  It should be a critical effort to invest the remaining resources and production in an alternative system. 

This theory of parallel is useful to understand why the global system can’t change.  The reason I call it a theory is this system can’t imagine its end, so when I discuss how to end it less painfully the prescriptions are merely theorizing.  Yet, this theorizing offers actionable advice to the grassroots where change is possible. 

The condition of civilization now is a reflection of complex ecosystem at their climax.  Nature offers a blueprint for such conditions.  Our civilization views itself as exceptional because of knowledge and tech yet, our system is just a subset of the greater ecosystem that governs all life including ours.  Unless we reflect on nature and not our exceptionalism we are barreling into a collapse.

Parallel theory would be the construction of a global lifeboat while globalism is still full of vigor.  Evidence of globalism’s decline is apparent everywhere with physical infrastructure.  The decline is evident with the abstract with systems and networks.  A subterfuge is created with the amount of wealth still produced.  Technology is deceptive too with numerous advances but with less and less real breakthrough technologies.

What is apparent is the wrong wealth is being produced.  Production is focused on a life globalism has created that is clearly going to end because of limits to growth.  A trend to more tech and efficiency is likewise a dangerous path dependency.  With each new advance older and more stable technology gives way to new tech that is more potent and efficient but less stable. 

A technological diminishing return is apparent now.   In many cases more problems are created than solved.  We are close to the point where problems outweigh solutions.  This is the nature of technology and efficiency.  There are tradeoffs with sustainability and technological advances.  Efficiency and performance without reflection of limits and benefits is a dangerous trend.  The results are truly revolutionary in that creative destruction of technology can damage the fabric of civilization like a hidden cancer. 

The theory of parallel is a crisis plan to address the coming end to globalism.  This plan seeks to use globalism to leave it.  If undertaken it means the end of globalism.  We can’t transition to more resilience and sustainability without growth.  Cities must depopulation into the rural areas.  The current 80/20 population mix of urban to rural means there is not enough infrastructure for this.  Globalism is the only way to build up the lifeboats of permaculture with farms and small towns.

The current trend of global administrative states and controlling interests is smart urbanism.  This is the great reset of the World Economic Forum.  There are over 2000 billionaires that are the controlling interests influencing a self-organizing system nobody has real control over.   Their plans center on controlled urban populations. 

The result is centralization with increased efficiency but the tradeoff is greater instability not less.  It is centralization and efficiency that are becoming unaffordable.  Efficiency is creating brittle resilience.  Centralization is creating cities that can’t survive shocks.  Modern cities are a mirror of systematic overextension.  This is overshoot and nature treats overshoot the same regardless of species.

This futurist program of the great reset is resulting in the transhumanism of tech that prefers automation.  The dehumanization of people is resulting from digital interfaces.  This great reset and 4th industrial revolution is a technocratic development since the 1970s that has become reality because of technological advances and a global civilization. 

This was once conspiracy but currently the global controlling interests are now in the open with their plans.  The UN is part of this with its sustainable development agenda.   Once sustainable areas of the world are now locked into this program and are increasingly unsustainable.  Urban areas are increasingly mega urban expanses covering entire regions.  Support structures for such large urban expanses are increasingly unstable and yet these controlling interests are doubling down on further concentration with more technology not less.

The idea of parallel would be the opposite of the great reset.  This also would be done with informed consent of the world’s populations not deception.  Education is the keystone to the theory of parallel.  It would be similar to advising the global population an asteroid is coming that would do immense damage.

Globalism is ending and it is vital to recreate an alternative.  Yet, the critical idea of parallel is globalism is needed to create the transition mechanism.  Growth will be needed to degrowth.  The only way to do a direction switch is a parallel system.

This theory of a parallel’s primary objective is to show just how hard it would be to change direction at the top with a shared global effort.  In fact, it shows this direction change is for all practical purposes impossible.  This theory does instead offer the grassroot a plan forward with the efforts of localism.  This mirrors nature with ecosystem succession.  Nature offers niches to species when the complex system breaks down.  You can be one of those locals that adapts but time is short and you will need to grow to degrowth.

The first effort of the theory of parallel would involve the deconstruction of the administrative state and the downsizing of the controlling interest’s wealth.   The small but powerful international class of financial and political elites who effectively rule the global system would have to give up much of their wealth.  This would be returned to the public domain.  The mechanism for this is already in place.  It’s called democracy with free and fair markets.  The rule of law would be reinstated and the moral hazard of the controlling elites ended.

The deconstruction of the administrative state means academia and the scientific community too.  The medical industry with all its bloated overhead is also on the chopping block.  It means reducing the number of lawyers and accountants who are rigging this system.  The lobbyist and think tanks likewise need to be greatly reduced.  This is all overhead that ensures elite power and privilege that is the problem.  It is overhead that is parasitic not productive.

The so-called “FIRE” of financial, Insurance, and Real Estate industries must be greatly reduced.  These industries are speculative and do not provide real productivity at the level they represent in the economy.  They discourage localism by placing a value on centralization and concentrated wealth.  These need to be reduced dramatically because it is places of concentration where power corrupts.  These industries are dominated by a few controlling interests with hedge funds and Wallstreet plutocrats.

Discretionary industries like leisure and entertainment must be greatly reduced.  These industries are highly energy consumptive and offer little productive value.  Hollywood needs to be eliminated as a cancer that promotes destructive fantasy and is now a propaganda arm of the globalist. 

Long distance travel and the hospitality industry would be greatly reduced and instead a localized low energy version created.  People of the 18th and 19th centuries actually had more satisfaction with their leisure than we do today.  Theme parks eliminated where they are oversized and out of proportion.  Consumerism with all the strip malls and mega malls need to be reduced by an order of magnitude.

Specialization needs to be adapted.  There needs to be an education system that allows some specialization but the majority of the education needs to be general and having to do with homesteading with food and energy as the focus.  This education must focus on community with local priorities not delocalization and transhumanism of the car culture and digital web. 

Today universities are turning out graduates at great cost who are increasingly producing ideology not productive skills.  The whole college system is a scam of trillions of dollars that have resulted in tenured professors that barely teach.  New shiny buildings are the focus of the large endowments instead of real education.  Sports are pushed with huge budgets and massive stadiums.  Most of the population needs to learn real skills.

We would then be ready to use what is left of globalism to leave it.  Keep in mind the reduction of this administrative state would be painful with loss of economic activity and jobs.  These sectors have grown so large their downsizing would be economically destructive.  It is important to understand they will be eliminated regardless by the process of decline.  Initiating their demise proactively will ensure these centers of parasitic wealth destruction occur first not last.

Net energy decline and economic decay are both part of the current destructive trend of global decline.  If you greatly reduce fossil fuels and the economics of globalism you are looking at economic activity dropping 50% or more.  That is a catastrophic number and will mean loss of an affluence people are not prepared for.  This can’t be done without moving people to the land and in the activity of raising food.  This is the only option for a less bad ride down the decline curve. 

The global economy is heading for dramatic loss without a place to go.  Without globalism the mega cities that dot the globe will be forced to depopulate by systematic decay.  The point of parallel is the recognition of this and the building of an alternative while resources are still available.  Only globalism can produce what is necessary to make this transition away from globalism.  This is the paradox of degrowth.  Growth is needed to degrowth.

It would take a decade to make this transition with complete global focus.  This effort is similar in cost and time to the failed policies of the left who are pushing a delusional NetZero of more of what is destroying the world. 

The Fake social justice of the globalist sustainable development plans is a Marxist lie to coopt populations.  This is a delusional attempt to use inadequate so-called green energy systems to keep operating the current system.  Their social justice warriors want a welfare state to keep people under control so they can force populations to decarbonize.   Yet, the system itself will require more carbon to create the 4th industrial revolution.  The elite have no intention of downsizing their lives.  This is proved by their flying private jets to climate conferences.

The great reset is seeking production that can be automated and people that can be taken out of the productive process thereby increasing efficiencies.  This is the end game of automation.  Technology and efficiency eventually are policies of dehumanization. 

Transhumanism of the 4th industrial revolution is the goal.  These elites and technocrats believe machines will supersede humans at some point.  This is their idea of singularity which is the merger of what is human and machine.  This is a policy of centralization and a mechanical compression of human activity.  This is the blueprint for the global controlling interest being presented as social justice and green.

The polar opposite is required so one can see just how dangerous these globalists are.  You can’t embrace less affluence with a global leadership seeking more.  Instead, existing wealth is needed to downsize into less affluence.  Less affluence is in the cards because of net energy decline and economic decay.  There is a short window to get this done of maybe a decade.

There are two doors ahead.  One door is a delusional attempt to continue what can’t be continued forced into decline.  The other is acceptance of a plan to adapt to something less because the reality of decline is accepted.  Both doors lead to systematic decline.  One door offers a plan based upon the reality of decline and the other is a plan is rejecting decline by doubling down on what created globalism in the first place. 

Both doors once opened will be shut.  There is no going back to what was.  Looking back in the review mirror 2018 appears to be the peak of globalism.  This was the turning point now it is a steady decline down.  Where and when a new stable level is found is unclear.  What is clear is decisions at this point have a critical effect.  This is true at all levels.   The top appears locked into plans that will make decline worse but the bottom is a different story.

The populist movements around the globe actually have a less bad approach.   Their ideas of less regulation and decentralization of power centers along with strong families are the way forward.  They are still delusional with their idea that they can continue the type of affluence of the past which is doomed.  All political systems are locked into this decline process but some are worse than others.  What is the worst is the globalist version.  I recommend if you want to go local then embrace the populists even if you find some of their policies unpalatable.

This theory of a parallel path forward of globalism and localism would have an important underlying compact of the urban and rural.  The back to the landers that will be the pioneers of parallel will be treated with special respect by the urban dwellers.  If there is no compact then those in urban wealth centers will dominate these back to the landers.  If the urbanites realize they will need the back to the landers once globalism dissolves, they will treat them like those who will prepare their way once urban areas are forced to depopulate.  The back to the landers will establish the outpost for the urbanites to emigrate to.

The back to the landers will embrace intermittency and seasonality.  They will embrace localism by disconnecting from the car culture and digital web appropriately.  This means a magnitude of reduction from these influences.  This will facilitate appropriate tech which is no tech and low tech.   These are beefed up with the best of modernism to enhance this appropriate tech.  This is a tech hybridization just as parallel is a hybrid system.

Renewables and batteries can be part of this but with the understanding they will be only used for the transition period of parallel.  The useful life of these systems is short.  They can’t create themselves.  Without fossil fuels and globalism renewable systems will wear out in 10-30 years. 

Renewables will help in the transition to animal, passive energy systems, and biomass.  Simple and manual renewable systems that are decentralized to the town and home level should be the focus not vast solar and wind farms.

Fossil fuels will still be used but made appropriate.  They will serve as back up for when natural disasters hit.  It will be understood these have a shelf life too.  Once globalism is gone so too will adequate fossil fuels.   Fossil fuels these days because of net energy decline are as much economic as geologic.  During the transition of parallel they will be needed but utilized in an appropriate way.  Appropriate here means enhancement not reliance. 

Fossil fuels have to be transitioned away from because of depletion and net energy decline.  Renewables are just fossil fuel extenders.  Renewables can’t power the existing system.   Their current failures in Europe and California spells the end of the last hope for a continuation of globalism.  This is not being admitted to by the elites and the administrative state because there is no alternative.  If you are awakened to this reality then as an individual you will make other arrangements if you value survival.

Parallel focuses on simplicity with volunteerism.  This is the proactive effort to downsize and simplify.  It must be appropriate with low tech or no tech.  It must be about salvage of the old with the new.   Most importantly it is the triage of those aspects of modernism with no future.  It must be grassroots with small community empowerment down to the family level. 

These are the basics.   The wisdom of decline is about a return to the basics with localism.  This theory is so simple it is beyond the reality of most who have been indoctrinated into believing globalism will advance.  This is a massive shift that is also dangerous and this is why the elites are doing everything they can to hide the reality of decline.  Their power is based upon advancing globalism.  The danger is uncontrollable collapse.  There is no guarantee this theory of parallel will work only that it is the better way forward.

In the theory of parallel the top needs to gate keep the security and basic welfare of these rural locals.  This does not mean a welfare state approach it means basic rule of law and free and fair markets kept local and without the digital networks that introduce unneeded complexity.  Most of all the state needs to get out of the way of these locals.  The state will do this because it will realize its end is not far off and it will be these back to the landers that are its lifeboats.

That in a nutshell is parallel and it is for you the individual to make your own arrangements once you understand the best way forward is not possible.  You have a decade to transform your local.  Get started now using globalism to leave it.  Get out of big cities.  If you are part of the administrative state find a new profession or at least do a parallel effort with your administrative state work and a hobby farm.  Small family farms orbiting small communities are the future.  Find one and contribute.